Focus on aging in a unique Arts & Science project

During Autumn 2019, the Aging Research Center (a division of NVS) approached the Stockholm School of Photography at Folkuniversitetet to gauge their interest in a collaborative project with the purpose of producing representative photographs of older people based on the research conducted at ARC. The idea received a positive response and resulted in 20 photography students producing 15 images each of older people in Sweden.

Elderly person at mirror
Photographer: Cecilia Öhlund.

Their task was to interpret the research produced at ARC on aging and older peoples’ health and living conditions. It was also important for the photographers to portray older people’s daily lives in Sweden based on their own understanding and experience.

Among other things, this collaboration explored the conjunction between research and photography, and is also an example of how research can be communicated outside academia and reach the general public in new ways. The project was finalised in February 2020 with a photo exhibit at Folkuniversitetet and lectures by researchers at ARC on the themes of Who is considered ‘old’ in Sweden today? and Ageism and the voice of older people. Below you can watch a short film about the collaborative project.


If you have any questions about the project please contact Isabelle von Saenger

You can find more information about the research conducted at ARC on

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