Collaborators, Funding, Outreach - Lisa Westerberg group
A presentation of collaborators and contributors. Our group is also actively involved in medical education and our research is featured on several external research websites.
- New York University Abu Dhabi: Dr. Piergiorgio Percipalle
- University College London, UK: Dr. Siobhan Burns
- University College London, UK: Dr. Adrian Thrasher
- Leuven University Hospital, Belgium: Dr. Peter Vandenberghe
- Harvard Medical School, USA: Dr. Scott Snapper
- Fiocruz Institute, Brazil: Dr. Vinicius Cotta-de-Almeida
- University of South Florida, USA: Dr. Jolan Walter
- Columbia University, USA: Dr. Jordan Orange
- University of Maryland, USA: Dr. Wenxia Song
- Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology, Immunology, Russia: Dr. Anna Shcherbina
- National Institute of Health, USA: Dr. Luigi Notarangelo
- Curie Institute, France: Dr. Ana-Maria Lennon Dumenil
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China: Dr. Chaohong Liu
- Chongqing Medical University, China: Dr. Xiaodong Zhao
- Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA: Dr. Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles
- University of Milan, Italy: Dr. Anna Villa
- Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Dr. Sergey Ponomarev
- Umeå University, Sweden: Dr. Mattias Forsell
- Karolinska Institutet, Sweden: Drs. Mikael Karlsson, John Andersson, Claudia Kutter, Magnus Björkholm, Liv Eidsmo, Susanne Nylén, Fredrik Wermeling, Klas Kärre, Hans-Erik Claesson, Lena Ström, Evren Alici, Robert Månsson, and Ola Winqvist.
We gratefully acknowledge the funding from:
- ALF funding Region Stockholm
- Childhood Cancer Foundation
- Center for Allergy Research
- Clas Groschinsky Foundation
- European Commission 7th framework program
- Fundação para e a Ciência e Tecnologiaeansson Foundation
- Israeli Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome Association (IWASA)
- Karolinska Institutet foundations
- Konung Gustaf V:s 80-årsfond
- Magnus Bergvall Foundation
- NovoSeeds Exploratory pre-seed grants
- Olle Engkvist Byggmästare foundation
- Ragnar Söderberg foundation
- Swedish Cancer Society
- Swedish Foundation for International cooperation in research and higher education
- Swedish Medical Society
- Swedish National Space Board
- Swedish Society for Medical Research (SSMF)
- Swedish Research Council
- Wenner-Gren foundations
- World Wide Cancer Research
- Åke Olsson foundation
- Åke Wiberg Foundation
For science and education
Book chapter
Two sides of the coin: Cytoskeletal regulation of immune synapses in cancer and primary immune deficiencies.
Saeed MB, Record J, Westerberg LS
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology. Volume 356, 2020, Pages 1-97
- Joint Brazilian - Swedish Research Collaboration CAPES – STINT network grant with Dr. Vinicius Cotta-de-Almeida, Fiocruz Institute, Brazil
- Swedish Research Council and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) network grant with Dr. Chaohong Liu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.