NPC News
News and media about the National Pandemic Centre

Ny rutin ger forskare tillgång till 1,5 miljoner covid-19-prover som förvaras på KI, May 11 2023
Biobank Sverige har tillsammans med regionerna och Nationellt Pandemicenter (NPC) vid KI tagit fram en ny process som ger forskare tillgång till 1,5 miljoner covid-19-prover. Proverna förvaras vid NPC på KI och ansökan om att ta del av proverna kräver etiskt godkännande.
- Provsamlingen erbjuder en unik möjlighet för retrospektiv analys av smittspridningsförloppet och andra relaterade frågor, som det inte fanns möjlighet eller resurser att utföra under pandemins intensiva faser, säger Jessica Alm, enhetschef för NPC.

Ny rutin tillgängliggör 1,5 miljoner covid-19-prov för forskning, 11 May 2023
Biobank Sverige öppnar nu upp en nationell samling av covid-19-prover för att underlätta mer forskning. Tillsammans med regionerna och Nationellt Pandemicenter vid Karolinska Institutet, där proverna förvaras, har Biobank Sverige tagit fram en ny ansökningsprocess som möjliggör ny kunskap om covid-19 och smittspridningen i Sverige.

New large national COVID-19 biobank sample collection made available for research, May 11 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted just how important the sharing of data and biobank samples can be in accelerating research efforts. A unique national COVID-19 biobank sample collection has now been added to the COVID-19 Sample Collection Database, which is available through the Swedish Pandemic Preparedness Portal. This collection includes over 1.5 million samples that are available for use in research. The samples were collated as part of a collaboration between Swedish regional health agencies, the National Pandemic Center (NPC) at Karolinska Institutet, and Biobank Sweden. Easy access to biobank samples, made possible through collections such as this, is a crucial part of Swedish pandemic preparedness efforts.

Sveriges Radio: "Postcovid – var står vi nu?", November 29 2022.
I dag möts man sällan av rubriker om överbelamrade IVA-avdelningar, presskonferenser om restriktioner eller prognoser för när pandemin kommer vara över. Annat var det för bara ett år sedan, nu är det som om pandemin är bortblåst för de allra flesta av oss. Men så finns det de som blev kvar, de som drabbades av postcovid och fortfarande lider i sviterna av covid-19-viruset. Hur är läget för patienterna, forskningen och viruset nu?
Gäster i programmet: Malin Nygren Bonnier, fysioterapeut och docent vid Karolinska Institutet, Christer Lidman, överläkare och specialist på infektionssjukdomar vid Karolinska Universitetssjukhusets postcovid-mottagning i Huddinge, Jessica Alm, enhetschef på NPC-center vid Karolinska Institutet och David Krabbe, psykolog vid Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset.
Programledare: Ninos Chamoun

Aftonbladet: "Snabbtester dåliga på att hitta omikron: Mörkrädd", January 26 2022.
Smittspridningen är på rekordnivåer under omikronvågen och det är rusning efter apotekens hemtester.Samtidigt tyder ett test gjort av SVT och Nationellt pandemicentrum på att de inte är särskilt bra på att upptäcka omikronvarianten.
- Jag är skeptisk till att folk förlitar sig på dem", säger Jessica Alm, labbchef på Nationellt pandemicenter vid KI.

SVT Rapport: "January 24 2022", January 24 2022.
Scientists at the National Pandemic Centre test and discuss home antigen tests. Interview with Jessica Alm.
Watch from 15:26.

SVT: "Så höga virusnivåer krävs för att självtesterna ska fungera", January 24 2022.
Försäljningen av antigentester når rekordnivåer – men hur tillförlitliga är de? SVT Nyheter testade samtliga märken som finns tillgängliga i handeln med hjälp av labbpersonalen på Nationellt pandemicentrum.

TV4 Nyhetsmorgon: "Omikron tar över rekordsnabbt – så skiljer det sig mellan regionerna", January 11 2022.
Smittspridningen liknar nästan en präriebrand just nu och nu ska vi få helt färska data som ger oss en bättre bild av läget. Jessica Alm, på Nationellt pandemicenter som har koll på alla virusvarianter.
TV4: "Så säkra är snabbtesterna till julfirandet 'Ingen garanti'”, December 22 2021.
Med bara två dagar kvar till julafton funderar nog många på hur julmyset kan ske smittsäkert. Snabbtester är en möjlig lösning men Jessica Alm, enhetschef på Nationellt pandemicenter, menar att de inte är helt tillförlitliga. Hör henne förklara mer i klippet ovan.
TV4: "Snabbtest kan missa infektion 'sex av tio fångas upp'", December 9 2021.
Interview with Lars Engstrand (in Swedish).
Den nya coronavarianten omikron skapar oro i världen. Lars Engstrand är professor i smittskydd och överläkare och förklarar varför omikron skulle kunna vara varianten vi har väntat på, även om det är för tidigt att säga vad den kommer att innebära. Till dess är det viktigt att vaccinera sig och följa restriktionerna. Samtidigt menar han att det finns ett problem med snabbtesten som kan visa fel svar om du inte har så mycket infektion i kroppen.
TV4 Nyheterna: "FHM om första omikron-fallet i Sverige: ”Det var rätt väntat”, November 29 2021.
Interview with Lars Engstrand (in Swedish).
I dag bekräftade Folkhälsomyndigheten det första fallet med omikronvarianten av covid-19 i Sverige. Samtidigt utesluter inte FHM att det kan dyka upp fler fall. Det är ett antal fall som är under utredning, säger Andreas Bråve, tillförordnad avdelningschef.

Svenska Dagbladet: "Från Solna leds jakten på de nya varianterna av coronaviruset", June 11 2021
This article (in Swedish) discusses the new and dangerous variants of the Covid-19 virus. The National Pandemic Centre (NPC) analyzes the genome from positive covid samples in Sweden.
”Genom övervakning har vi större chans att undvika att farligare varianter tar över”
Folkhälsomyndigheten - "Antigentester för personal ett komplement till andra skyddsåtgärder", April 6 2021
Article (in Swedish) from Folkhälsomyndigheten about a study for antigen tests that was conducted by the National Pandemic Center (NPC).

Ole Petter Ottersen Blog Post - "In-depth collaboration with the Stockholm Region increasingly important", March 3rd 2021
Blog Post by Ole Petter Ottersen (Principal of Karolinska Institutet) that discusses the important work of Professor Lars Engstrand in the contribution to the COVID-19 pandemic and reduction in the spread of infection. Finance Region Councilor Irene Svenonius, together with Councilor for Care and Choice Tobias Nässén, visited KI and Biomedicum and met with Professor Lars Engstand.

KI: News - "Stockholm's regional council visited Karolinska Institutet", March 2nd 2021
Article (in Swedish) reporting on the meeting held between Rector Ole Petter Ottersen, Lars Engstrand, Irene Svenonius, Finance Regional Councilor, and Tobias Nässén, Accessibility and Freedom of Choice Regional Council (M) on February 26 2021.
"Det är roligt att kunna visa upp den verksamhet vi har byggt upp under pandemin och få ett kvitto på att vi gör nytta i samhället samtidigt som forskningssamarbetet mellan regionen och KI gynnas"

Swedish Radio - "On a mutation hunt in the laboratory", February 11th 2021
Interview in Swedish with Jessica Alm about advanced sequencing work used to determine the different variants of the COVID-19 virus in Sweden.
Dagens Medicin - "KI hopes to get green light for large-scale sequencing", February 11 2021
Article (in Swedish) Karolinska Institutet now wants to quickly start whole genome sequencing and look for new virus mutations on a large scale. An agreement with the Swedish Public Health Agency may be ready shortly.
Ole Petter Ottersen Blog Post - "KI wishes to contribute to the hunt for mutated viruses", February 2nd 2021
Article (in Swedish) about the role of Karolinska sequencing SARS-CoV-2 samples. The article also mentions that more than 600,000 samples were analyzed in the Biomedicum laboratory at Karolinska Institutet.

TV4 After Five - "Sweden will cope with the pandemics of the future", February 1st 2021
Interview (in Swedish) with Lars Engstrand. To cope with new pandemics in the future, Sweden needs to build up its own logistics to be able to both test and vaccinate people. That is the opinion of Björn Olsen, professor and chief physician of infectious diseases, and Lars Engstrand, professor of infection control.
SVT Rapport - January 29th 2021
Interview (in Swedish) (2:45 - 7:02) with Lars Engstrand and Jessica Alm of the National Pandemic Center. In this video, Lars Engstrand discusses the importance of sequencing the SARS-CoV-2 genome.
TV4 Nyheterna - "Here begins the hunt for the mutated virus - may already be in Sweden", December 21st 2020
Interview (in Swedish) with Lars Engstrand about sequencing genome to determine if the the mutated virus is in Sweden. An on-going investigation by the Swedish Public Health Agency and Sweden's university laboratories.
TV4 Malou after ten - "The professor about the testing:" Scary that half had no symptoms "", December 7th 2020
Interview (in Swedish) with Lars Engstrand
Dagens Medicin - "KI's pandemic center increases the pace - hopes for 80,000 tests per week", November 16th 2020
Interview in Dagens Medicin (in Swedish) with Lars Engstrand on how the Pandemic center aims to increase it's testing capacity in the following months.

TV4 Nyhetsmorgon - "Several regions have reached the maximum ceiling for sampling", November 12th 2020
Lars Engstrand interviewed (in Swedish) on the test capacity for Covid testing and influxes of samples.
Dagens Nyheter - "Professor:" All elderly staff should be tested - many have no symptoms at all "", November 5th 2020
Article in Swedish on Covid testing in nursing homes with a short interview with Lars Engstrand.
"Infection is increasing rapidly at Stockholm's nursing homes. At Stora Sköndal's nursing homes, three staff and three residents have tested positive for covid-19 this week - without any symptoms.
- This shows how important it is that all staff are tested regularly in nursing homes, says Helena Gille, senior care manager at Stora Sköndal. "
Friends of Panzi - "More corona tests from Sweden to the Peace Prize winner's hospital" September 21st 2020
Update in Swedish from Friends of Panzi Hospital in DR Congo who received Covid testing kits.
Video: Wallenberg Foundation COVID-19 Iniatives, October 22nd 2020
Video (in English) that features the COVID-19 high throughput PCR diagnostic pipeline through the National Pandemic Centre at Karolinska Institutet (1:43).
The Rector's Blog - "Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation with new major investment in basic research and life sciences", October 20th 2020
KI President Ole Petter Ottersen blogpost on covid testing passed 300,000 samples at CTMR.
It was also reported in Expressen .
Malou after ten - "Malou reveals a secret", September 28th 2020
Lars Engstrand and Matti Sällberg interviewed on TV4 show Malou efter tio about corona reasearch and testing.

Ålandstidningen - "The Ålander who leads one of Sweden's largest corona labs", August 11th 2020
Article in Ålandstidningen (in Swedish) on CTMRs lab manager, Marica Hamsten

Vasabladet - "Jessica Alm from Vaasa works at Sweden's largest corona lab:" I have been a proud Finn this spring", August 1st 2020
Article in Vasabladet (in Swedish) on Jessica Alm, a member of the National Pandemic Center
DN Debatt. ”Fel att bara testa personer som har covid-symtom”, June 16 2020
Full article (in Swedish) about debating the use of mass testing without symptoms. Article from DN.
SvD - "Wallenbergs corona coup: built a lab without permission", May 20th 2020
Full article (in Swedish) - "Multi-million support from Wallenberg and specially chartered aircraft. Here is the story of how a group of researchers, by acting first and asking for permission, later built a large-scale coronate lab in four weeks ." Article from SvD

GMS - "Covid-19 testing drives the development of national IT infrastructure", May 19th 2020
An article from GMS (, in Swedish) on the increased Covid-19 testing.

TV4 Nyhetsmorgon - "Will be able to do 50,000 tests a week - this is how the new lab in Solna works", May 13th 2020
Lars Engstrand interviewed on morning talk show Nyhetsmorgon (in Swedish) about the analysis lab and capacity at CTMR.
The World of Science SVT, May 11th 2020
Overview of the current Corona situation (in Swedish), interview and images from the CTMR lab from 17:50 - 20:16 discussing the analysis methods and testing.
NyTeknik - "The robots analyze 5000 corona tests per day", May 6th 2020
Article in NyTeknik about the new lab setup at CTMR (in Swedish).

"Coronation testing facility gets attention" - KI president's blog, May 3rd 2020
KI's president, Ole Petter Ottersen writes about the the Covid-19 analysis lab at CTMR.
Full blogpost in Swedish.
"British Ambassador to Sweden visits KI to learn more about COVID-19 research", April 30th 2020
Read the article on KI's homepage (available in English and Swedish).

TV4 Nyhetsmorgon - The expert: How to take a taxi corona safe, April 29th 2020
Lars Engstrand interviewed on TV4 program Nyhetsmorgon (in Swedish), answering questions about the coronavirus.

Malou after ten - Here Malou does the test that shows immunity against covid-19, April 20th 2020
Lars Engstrand interviewed on TV4 show Malou after ten on test that shows immunity against covid-19.
In Swedish.

"Scilifelab helps healthcare with corona samples - Ordered two SAS planes with equipment", April 17th 2020
Life Science Sweden article (in Swedish) on the new covid-19 analysis lab at CTMR.
TV4 Nyhetsmorgon: The Professor - The virus can mutate into a kinder variant, April 17th 2020
Lars Engstrand interviewed on TV4 morning news show about the corona virus testing in Sweden.
In Swedish.
Webinar on the Corona crisis in Sweden, April 16th
Link to the webinar (in Swedish)
"Siv Andersson, professor of molecular biology, and Lars Engstrand, professor of infection control, both affiliated with the Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab), talk about the work of scaling up the diagnosis and analysis of covid-19. Anna Sandström, Director Science Policy and Relations Europe at AstraZeneca, provides perspectives from the Life Science industry. "

"COVID-19 on the agenda as Matilda Ernkrans visits SciLifeLab", April 8th 2020
"The Minister for Higher Education and Research in Sweden, Matilda Ernkrans, visited SciLifeLab and Karolinska Institutet for briefings on the ongoing initiatives to combat COVID-19, that could be so promptly set up due to the generous donation from Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. "
See full article in English on SciLifeLab website , and KI president's blog in Swedish.

Large delivery of test material to Sweden, April 2nd 2020
Sveriges Radio and SVT talked to Lars Engstrand and Marica Hamsten (both in Swedish) about the delivery of testing material from China. SVT news includes a short video.

Material enabling scale-up of COVID-19 analyzes has now arrived, April 2nd and 3rd 2020
"Karolinska Institutet has now received the test material that will allow scientists to perform 5,000 analyzes a day on patient samples. The lab will be ready next week thanks to the swift cooperation of KI researchers and Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation."
Read more here on KI's news site and here on SciLifeLab website.

"Change corona strategy and isolate only vulnerable risk groups", March 27th 2020
Debate article from Dagens Nyheter by Lars Engstrand, Mathias Uhlen, Siv Andersson and Göran Sandberg.
In Swedish.
Large number of corona tests on the way from China, March 26th 2020 spoke with Lars Engstrand
In Swedish.
"After several alarms about a lack of tests for diagnosis of the new coronavirus, it is now possible to see a light in the tunnel. Already next week, such a large number of ready-made test kits will come to Sweden, that the need for healthcare in Stockholm will probably be covered. Thanks With a large donation from the Wallenberg Foundation, Karolinska Institutet has succeeded in placing a massive order from China. "
Collaboration increases opportunities for COVID-19 testing, March 24th 2020
"Through cooperation with a Chinese supplier, financial support from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and coordination with the healthcare sector, Karolinska Institutet (KI) is taking concrete steps to strengthen healthcare capacity in virus diagnostics.
“This is an important step in increasing capacity and ensuring quick and safe testing. In addition to our own staff, numerous individuals with relevant laboratory experience have volunteered to make this happen, ”says Lars Engstrand of CTMR"
Read more here on KI's news site.