Undergraduate Education at the Department of Medicine, Solna
The Department of Medicine at Karolinska Institutet is profiled on education and research in common disorders such as cardiovascular diseases, inflammation with focus on allergy, rheumatic disorders, skin diseases and infections. We use the close relation between education and research to guarantee our students front-line knowledge and skills.

Our undergraduate education is given in the biomedicine programmes and the medical programme, but as a student you will also interact with students and staff from other professional categories.
Close interaction between the hospital and the department will give you a unique opportunity to understand and apply the basics of biomedicine and medicine while your critical thinking improves and your curiosity is stimulated.
Challenge us!
Ladok system at KI
Programmes in Biomedicine
The Department offers courses at three different programmes in biomedicine.
Bachelor's programme in biomedicine
Information about the programme.
Molecular Medicine-Cardiometabolic and Infectious Diseases, 15 ECTS
The focus of the course is that of common diseases viewed from a translational medicine perspective. Molecular, cellular and physiological mechanisms, pathology, diagnosis and treatment of a range of common diseases are considered. Both theoretical and practical aspects are covered.
The central theme of the course is translational research: “bed to bench and back again”. Ongoing research questions and the methodological approaches that are employed are discussed. Students will acquire an understanding of how translational research is performed such that novel diagnostic methodologies and treatment strategies can be developed.
Master´s programme in biomedicine
Information about the programme 120 ECTS
Frontiers in Biomedicine 10,5 ECTS.
The course serves as an introduction to the Master's Programme in Biomedicine. The aim of the course is that the student should understand the connection between how changes at the molecular level can influence basic functions in individual cells and/or organs in relation to the human body; special focus is placed on changes from healthy to diseased tissue and on the connection between symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of different diseases.
Master´s programme in molecular techniques in life science
The programme is a collaboration between KTH, KI och SU.
Frontiers in translational medicine, 13 ECTS.
After this course, students would understand why and how huge datasets of cellular, molecular biological and molecular genetic data are generated from a biomedical perspective and how the results can be applied to improve our knowledge of human diseases.
Medical programme
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