IMPACT news - events and media
Here we publish recent news, events, publication etc. from or related to the IMPACT research group.
Welcome to Emmie's doctoral thesis defence!
"HealthyMoms – promoting healthier lifestyle and weight gain during pregnancy with special emphasis on migrant women"
When? Fri oct 4th 9.00 in Erna Möller lecture hall (or Zoom)
Principal Supervisor: Prof Marie Löf, KI, Dept of Medicine, Huddinge, BioNut Unit
Opponent: Prof Leanne Redman, Pennington Biomedical Research Centre, Lousiana, United States
Workshop held on personalised interventions
On Sep 4th 2024, we held an interactive workshop at KI on the design and delivery personalised interventions for chronic disease.
Organisers: Prof. Marie Löf, leader for the IMPACT research group and the Centre for Nutrition,and our new Foreign Adjunct Professor, Ralph Maddison, Deakin University, Australia.
ISBNPA conference held in Sweden
On the 14-17th June, the ISBNA 2023 meeting on behavioral nutrition and physical activity was held in Uppsala, with Professor Marie Löf chair of the organising committee. The meeting was very successful with >1300 candidates from 48 countries. See more here (including video of the opening ceremony).
Results from the MINISTOP 2.0 study published
Results from the hypbrid type 1 effectiveness-implementation trial testing MINISTOP 2.0 in child healthcare has been published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. The analyzes showed that the intervention group had lower intakes of sweet and savory treats, sweet drinks, and less screen time at follow-up compared to the control group. Parents that used the MINISTOP app also reported higher self-efficacy for promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors. Read more here.
Postdoc grants received by IMPACT group members
Congratulations, Johanna Sandborg and Petter Fagerberg! These IMPACT group members have received post doctoral grants from Henning and Throne Holst foundation, a total of around SEK 1 million, to conduct postdoc research at the Deakin University, Australia (Johanna), and Harokopio University of Athens, Greece (Petter).
Doctoral thesis - HealthyMoms (Johanna Sandborg)
IMPACT group member Johanna Sandborg successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled "HealthyMoms – a smartphone application to promote healthy weight gain, diet and physical activity during pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial" in June 2022. Johanna will now be on maternity leave, and then travel to Australia for her postdoc. Read her thesis on the HealthyMoms trial here.