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Medicine and Philosophy 

Research publications


Bodegård H, Helgesson G, Juth N, Olsson D, Lynøe N.

Challenges to patient centredness - a comparison of patient and doctor experiences from primary care.

BMC Fam Pract. 2019 Jun 15;20(1):83. doi: 10.1186/s12875-019-0959-y.


Barra M, Broqvist M, Gustavsson E, Henriksson M, Juth N, Sandman L, Solberg CT.

Severity as a Priority Setting Criterion: Setting a Challenging Research Agenda.

Health Care Anal. 2019 May 22. doi: 10.1007/s10728-019-00371-z. [Epub ahead of print]


Lynøe N, Juth N, Eriksson A.

From Child Protection to Paradigm Protection-The Genesis, Development, and Defense of a Scientific Paradigm.

J Med Philos. 2019 May 18;44(3):378-390. doi: 10.1093/jmp/jhy015.


Helgesson G.

Can and should the research–therapy distinction be maintained? Reflections in the light of innovative last-resort treatment

Research Ethics. 2019 March 18.


Lynøe N, Eriksson A.

Is the procedure of diagnosing abusive head trauma a purely medical matter?

Pediatr Radiol. 2019 Mar;49(3):422-423. doi: 10.1007/s00247-019-04344-1. Epub 2019 Feb 19. No abstract available.


Lynøe N, Eriksson A.

In order to ensure that evidence is unbiased it is sometimes necessary to retreat to the scientific ivory tower.

Forensic Sci Med Pathol. 2019 Mar;15(1):164. doi: 10.1007/s12024-018-0037-0. Epub 2018 Oct 6. No abstract available.


Helgesson G, Bülow W, Eriksson S, Godskesen TE.

Should the deceased be listed as authors?

J Med Ethics. 2019 Mar 1. pii: medethics-2018-105304. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2018-105304. [Epub ahead of print]


Lynøe N, Eriksson A.

'Shaken babies' - the doctor's role must be distinguished from that of the judicial system.

Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2019 Feb 7;139(3). doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.19.0035. Print 2019 Feb 12. Norwegian, English. No abstract available.


Lynøe N, Eriksson A.

The Swedish systematic review of traumatic shaking is not flawed and should not be ignored.

Acta Paediatr. 2019 Feb;108(2):381. doi: 10.1111/apa.14575. Epub 2018 Oct 1. No abstract available.


Månsson T, Lynøe N, Alexanderson K, Hinas E, Helgesson G, Friberg E.

Respectful encounters from healthcare professionals and return to work among 9032 long-term sick-listed due to cancer or due to other diagnoses: results from a Swedish population-based survey.

Support Care Cancer. 2019 Jan 28. doi: 10.1007/s00520-019-4652-4. [Epub ahead of print]


Lindblad A, Helgesson G, Sjöstrand M.

Towards a palliative care approach in psychiatry: do we need a new definition?

J Med Ethics. 2019 Jan;45(1):26-30. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2018-104944. Epub 2018 Sep 28.


Lynøe N, Eriksson A.

A diagnostic test can prove anything if you use incorrect assumptions and circular reasoning.

Acta Paediatr. 2018 Dec;107(12):2051-2053. doi: 10.1111/apa.14503. Epub 2018 Aug 7. No abstract available.


Lynøe N, Juth N, Eriksson A.

From Child Protection to Paradigm Protection-The Genesis, Development, and Defense of a Scientific Paradigm.

J Med Philos. 2018 Sep 3. doi: 10.1093/jmp/jhy015. [Epub ahead of print]


Lynøe N, Helgesson G, Juth N.

Value-impregnated factual claims may undermine medical decision-making.

Clin Ethics. 2018 Sep;13(3):151-158. doi: 10.1177/1477750918765283. Epub 2018 Mar 27.


Elinder G, Eriksson A, Hallberg B, Lynøe N, Sundgren PM, Rosén M, Engström I, Erlandsson BE.

Traumatic shaking: The role of the triad in medical investigations of suspected traumatic shaking.

Acta Paediatr. 2018 Sep;107 Suppl 472:3-23. doi: 10.1111/apa.14473. Review.


Bülow W, Helgesson G.

Criminalization of scientific misconduct.

Med Health Care Philos. 2018 Aug 28. doi: 10.1007/s11019-018-9865-7. [Epub ahead of print]


Lynøe N, Elinder G, Hallberg B, Rosén M, Sundgren P, Eriksson A.

Easier to see the speck in your critical peers' eyes than the log in your own? Response to Debelle et al.

Arch Dis Child. 2018 Jul;103(7):714. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2018-315380. Epub 2018 May 4. No abstract available.


Sandman L, Davidson T, Helgesson G, Juth N.

The ethical problems in limiting the role for cost-effectiveness.

Lakartidningen. 2018 Jun 11;115. pii: E4EH. Swedish.


Lynøe N, Engström I, Juth N.

Dödshjälp bakom okunskapens slöja.

Lakartidningen. 2018 Jun 7;115. pii: EZ4T. Swedish. No abstract available.


Lynøe N, Eriksson A.

Is focusing on the triad in suspected child abuse cases really irrelevant and of no practical use?

Acta Paediatr. 2018 Jun 11. doi: 10.1111/apa.14442. [Epub ahead of print]


Lundahl A, Helgesson G, Juth N.

Psychiatrists' motives for practising in-patient compulsory care of patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD).

Int J Law Psychiatry. 2018 May - Jun;58:63-71. doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2018.03.005. Epub 2018 Apr 6.


Karlsson P, Helgesson G, Titelman D, Sjöstrand M, Juth N.

Skepticism towards the Swedish vision zero for suicide: interviews with 12 psychiatrists.

BMC Med Ethics. 2018 Apr 10;19(1):26. doi: 10.1186/s12910-018-0265-6.


Lynøe N, Eriksson A.

»Triaden« räcker inte för att diagnostisera skakvåld - Mycket svagt vetenskapligt underlag – felaktiga bedömningar med under- och överdiagnostik kan få ödesdigra konsekvenser.

Lakartidningen. 2018 Mar 22;115. pii: EY9F. Swedish. No abstract available.


Domeij H, Fahlström G, Bertilsson G, Hultcrantz M, Munthe-Kaas H, Gordh CN, Helgesson G.

Experiences of living with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative data.

Dev Med Child Neurol. 2018 Feb 26. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.13696. [Epub ahead of print] Review.


Lynøe N, Helgesson G, Juth N.

What are the medical indications for providing extremely premature infants with intensive care?

Acta Paediatr. 2018 Feb;107(2):196-197. doi: 10.1111/apa.14160. Epub 2017 Dec 12. No abstract available.

Helgesson G.

It is not ethical to save an infant's life just because we can, without due regard to outcome.

Acta Paediatr. 2018 Feb;107(2):194-195. doi: 10.1111/apa.13911. Epub 2017 Aug 22. No abstract available.

Lynøe N, Rosén M, Eriksson A.

Vinchon's responses raise additional questions about the shaken baby-study.

Childs Nerv Syst. 2018 Jan;34(1):11-13. doi: 10.1007/s00381-017-3621-9. Epub 2017 Oct 19. No abstract available.

Björk J, Juth N, Lynøe N.

"Right to recommend, wrong to require"- an empirical and philosophical study of the views among physicians and the general public on smoking cessation as a condition for surgery.

BMC Med Ethics. 2018 Jan 8;19(1):2. doi: 10.1186/s12910-017-0237-2.

Helgesson G, Bertilsson G, Domeij H, Fahlström G, Heintz E, Hjern A, Nehlin Gordh C, Nordin V, Rangmar J, Rydell AM, Wahlsten VS, Hultcrantz M.

Ethical aspects of diagnosis and interventions for children with fetal alcohol Spectrum disorder (FASD) and their families.

BMC Med Ethics. 2018 Jan 5;19(1):1. doi: 10.1186/s12910-017-0242-5.


Weber C, Fijalkowska B, Ciecwierska K, Lindblad A, Badura-Lotter G, Andersen PM, Kuźma-Kozakiewicz M, Ludolph AC, Lulé D, Pasierski T, Lynöe N.

Existential decision-making in a fatal progressive disease: how much do legal and medical frameworks matter?

BMC Palliat Care. 2017 Dec 28;16(1):80. doi: 10.1186/s12904-017-0252-6.

Helgesson G, Eriksson S.

Responsibility for scientific misconduct in collaborative papers.

Med Health Care Philos. 2017 Dec 8. doi: 10.1007/s11019-017-9817-7.

Lynøe N.

Mikrobiologer mikroskoperar, astronomer teleskoperar - – men de löper samma risk för teoriimpregnerade observationer.

Läkartidningen. 2017 Oct 24;114. pii: EHWM. Swedish. No abstract available.

Lynøe N, Rosén M, Elinder G, Hallberg B, Sundgren P, Eriksson A.

Pouring out the dirty bathwater without throwing away either the baby or its parents: commentary to Saunders et al.

Pediatr Radiol. 2017 Oct 23. doi: 10.1007/s00247-017-4003-x. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available.

Dreber H, Juth N, Mathiesen T.

»Sjukvård efter behov« är inte en självklarhet - Behovsbegreppet är inte helt lätt att tillämpa i klinisk vardag.

Läkartidningen. 2017 Oct 17;114. pii: ERRP. Swedish. No abstract available.

Rosén M, Lynøe N, Elinder G, Hallberg B, Sundgren P, Eriksson A.

Shaken baby syndrome and the risk of losing scientific scrutiny.

Acta Paediatr. 2017 Sep 4. doi: 10.1111/apa.14056.

Gustavsson E, Juth N.

Principles of Need and the Aggregation Thesis.

Health Care Anal. 2017 Sep 2. doi: 10.1007/s10728-017-0346-6.

Lynøe N, Elinder G, Hallberg B, Rosén M, Sundgren P, Eriksson A.

Is accepting circular reasoning in shaken baby studies bad science or misconduct?

Acta Paediatr. 2017 Sep;106(9):1445-1446. doi: 10.1111/apa.13947. Epub 2017 Jul 10. No abstract available.

Lynøe N, Elinder G, Hallberg B, Rosén M, Sundgren P, Eriksson A.

The scientific evidence regarding retinal haemorrhages. Response to Hellgren et al. and Levin.

Acta Paediatr. 2017 Jul;106(7):1041-1042. doi: 10.1111/apa.13896. Epub 2017 May 19. No abstract available.

Lynøe N, Eriksson A.

May the fear of being falsely accused of having shaken a baby increase parents' demands for scheduled Caesareans?

Acta Paediatr. 2017 Jul;106(7):1052. doi: 10.1111/apa.13886. Epub 2017 May 19. No abstract available.

Lindgren P, Ingvoldstad Malmgren C, Juth N, Iwarsson E, Herbst A, Jacobsson B.

Replik från SFOG: - Ultraljud och NIPT till alla är önskvärt, men inte realistiskt.

Läkartidningen. 2017 Jun 28;114. pii: ERHT. Swedish. No abstract available.

Eriksson S, Helgesson G.

The false academy: predatory publishing in science and bioethics.

Med Health Care Philos. 2017 Jun;20(2):163-170. doi: 10.1007/s11019-016-9740-3.

Ingvoldstad Malmgren C, Iwarsson E, Juth N, Lindgren P.

SFOG ger nationella riktlinjer för fosterdiagnostik med NIPT - Information, genetisk vägledning och informerat val grunden för analys av foster-DNA i blodprov från kvinnan.

Lakartidningen. 2017 May 2;114. pii: EHTE. Swedish.

Lynøe N, Elinder G, Hallberg B, Rosén M, Sundgren P, Eriksson A.

A misunderstanding. Response to Dr Bilo et al.

Acta Paediatr. 2017 Apr 25. doi: 10.1111/apa.13892. [Epub ahead of print]

Lynøe N, Elinder G, Hallberg B, Rosén M, Sundgren P, Eriksson A.

What are acceptable conclusions? Response to Dr Ludvigsson.

Acta Paediatr. 2017 Apr 24. doi: 10.1111/apa.13890. [Epub ahead of print]

Lynøe N, Elinder G, Hallberg B, Rosén M, Sundgren P, Eriksson A.

The shaken baby syndrome report was not the result of a conspiracy. Response to Dr. Narang et al.

Acta Paediatr. 2017 Apr 24. doi: 10.1111/apa.13895. [Epub ahead of print]

Lynøe N, Elinder G, Hallberg B, Rosén M, Sundgren P, Eriksson A.

Conflicts of interest issues. Response to Lucas et al.

Acta Paediatr. 2017 Apr 24. doi: 10.1111/apa.13891. [Epub ahead of print]

Lynøe N, Elinder G, Hallberg B, Rosén M, Sundgren P, Eriksson A.

Authors' overarching reply to all the responses received to the systematic literature review on shaken baby syndrome.

Acta Paediatr. 2017 Apr 24. doi: 10.1111/apa.13887. [Epub ahead of print]

Lynøe N, Rosén M, Eriksson A.

Questions about isolated traumatic shaking and confessions.

Childs Nerv Syst. 2017 May;33(5):731-732. doi: 10.1007/s00381-017-3404-3. Epub 2017 Apr 5. No abstract available.

Helgesson G, Lynøe N, Juth N.

Value-impregnated factual claims and slippery-slope arguments.

Med Health Care Philos. 2017 Mar;20(1):147-150. doi: 10.1007/s11019-016-9723-4.

Lynøe N, Elinder G, Hallberg B, Rosén M, Sundgren P, Eriksson A.

Insufficient evidence for 'shaken baby syndrome' - a systematic review.

Acta Paediatr. 2017 Jan 27. doi: 10.1111/apa.13760.


Björk J, Lynöe N, Juth N.

Empirical and philosophical analysis of physicians' judgments of medical indications.

Clin Ethics. 2016 Dec;11(4):190-199.

Lynøe N.

N-strålarna var inbillning men forskningen inget fusk.

Läkartidningen. 2016 Oct 18;113. pii: EA49. Swedish.

Eriksson S, Helgesson G.

The false academy: predatory publishing in science and bioethics.

Med Health Care Philos. 2016 Oct 7.

Helgesson G, Lynøe N, Juth N.

Value-impregnated factual claims and slippery-slope arguments.

Med Health Care Philos. 2016 Aug 31.

Lynøe N, NattochDag S, Lindskog M, Juth N.

Heed or disregard a cancer patient's critical blogging? An experimental study of two different framing strategies.

BMC Med Ethics. 2016 May 20;17(1):30. doi: 10.1186/s12910-016-0115-3.

Lynöe N.

The consequences of using organs from anencephalic infants.

Acta Paediatr. 2016 May;105(5):500. doi: 10.1111/apa.13318. Epub 2016 Jan 29. No abstract available.

Lynøe N.

Livmodertransplantation kräver etisk genomlysning - Forskningsframsteg innebär inte per automatik rutinsjukvård.

Lakartidningen. 2016 Mar 21;113. pii: DYTT. Swedish. No abstract available.


Björk J, Lynøe N, Juth N.

Are smokers less deserving of expensive treatment? A randomised controlled trial that goes beyond official values.

BMC Med Ethics. 2015 May 4;16:28. doi: 10.1186/s12910-015-0019-7.

Carlsson J, Lynøe N.

100-year-old who refused to be revived.

Lakartidningen. 2015 Jan 6;112. pii: C9S3. Swedish. No abstract available.

Helgesson G

Scientific authorship and intellectual involvement in the research: Should they coincide?

Med Health Care Philos. 2015 May;18(2):171-5. doi: 10.1007/s11019-014-9585-6.


Helgesson G

Time for a change in the understanding of what constitutes text plagiarism?

Read abstract

Tännsjö Torbjörn

journals Cambridge


Helgesson Gert

Informants a potential threat to confidentiality in small studies.


Helgesson Gert 

Autonomy, the Right Not to Know, and the Right to Know Personal Research Results: What Rights Are There, and Who Should Decide about Exceptions?

Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics

Helgesson Gert

Scientific authorship and intellectual involvement in the research: Should they coincide?

Med Health Care Philos. 2014 Jul 18.


Helgesson Gert, Eriksson Stefan.


Hansson Sven Ove


Juth Niklas

For the sake of justice: Should we prioritize rare diseases?

Health Care Analysis, 2014. Published before print: DOI: 10.1007/s10728-014-0284-5

Read the article

Juth Niklas

The Right Not to Know and the Duty to Tell: The Case of Relatives

Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics

Juth N1, Tännsjö T, Hansson SO, Lynöe N.

Honour-related threats and human rights: a qualitative study of Swedish healthcare providers' attitudes towards young women requesting a virginity certificate or hymen reconstruction.

[pubmed: 24111994]

Juth N, Lynöe N.

Zero tolerance against patriarchal norms? A cross-sectional study of Swedish physicians’ attitudes towards young females requesting virginity certificates or hymen restoration.

J Med Ethics doi:10.1136/medethics-2013-101675

Read the article

Rydvall A, Juth N, Sandlund M, Lynøe N.

Are physicians' estimations of future events value-impregnated? Cross-sectional study of double intentions when providing treatment that shortens a dying patient's life.


Sjöstrand M, Juth N.

Authenticity and psychiatric disorder: does autonomy of personal preferences matter?

Med Health Care Philos 2014 Feb;17(1):115-22



Eriksson S, Helgesson G

Bok om Publiceringsetik


Helgesson G, Eriksson S

Debattartikel om forskningsfusk


Lindblad A

Avhandling: End-of-life decisions : studies of attitudes and reasoning

End-of-life decisions : studies of attitudes and reasoning

Lynöe N

Forskare, excellens, akademisk högfärd ...

Läkartidningen. 2013;110:39-40.

Lynöe N

Physicians practices when frustrating patients need - a comparative study of restrictiveness offering abortion and sedation therapy.

J Med Ethics. 2013;0:14. doi:10.1136/medethics-2012-101194.

Lynöe N, Wessel M, Olsson D, Alexandersson K, Tännsjö T, Juth N

Are patients duelling with doctors in order to restore their honour? Empirical study of sick-listed patients experiences of negative healthcare encounters with special reference to feeling wronged and ashamed.

J Med Ethics. 2013 Feb 2. [Epub ahead of print]

Wessel M

Avhandling: Negative experiences of encounters in healthcare


Björck E, Juth N, Marion L

Integrerad undervisning i etik av värde på läkarprogrammet

Läkartidningen nr 23-24 2012 volym 109

Lynöe N, Juth N

Does proficiency creativity solve legal dilemmas? Experimental study of medical students ideas about death-causes

Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy. 2012. Dec 20. [Epub ahead of print]

Helgesson G

In defense of broad consent

Camb Q Healthc Ethics. 2012 Jan;21(1):40-50

Hultin M, Davidson T, Gynther G, Helgesson G, Jemt T, Lekholm U, Nilner K, Nordenram G, Norlund A, Rohlin M, Sunnegardh-Gronberg K, Tranaeus S

Oral Rehabilitation of Tooth Loss: A Systematic Review of Quantitative Studies of OHRQoL

Hultin M, Davidson T, Gynther G, Helgesson G, Jemt T, Lekholm U, Nilner K, Nordenram G, Norlund A, Rohlin M, Sunnegardh-Gronberg K, Tranaeus S. Oral rehabilitation of tooth loss: a systematic review of quantitative studies of OHRQoL.

Int J Prosthodont. ;25(6):543-52

Johnsson L, Helgesson G, Hansson MG, Eriksson S



Juth N, Munthe C

The Ethics of Screening in Health Care and Medicine

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Recension av boken

Lerner H, Lindblad A, Algers B, Lynöe N

Attityder till läkarassisterat självmord

Svensk veterinärtidning, 2012 nr 11.

Lindblad A, Lynöe N, Juth N


Bioethics, 2012

Lynöe N

Om ursäktens uppbyggnad och dess gynnsamma effekter

Läkartidningen nr 38 2012, volym 109

Lynöe N, Leijonhufvud M

Police in an intensive care unit - what can happen?

J Med Ethics 2012; 0:1-3

Lynöe N, Juth N, Helgesson G

Case study of a framing effect in course evaluations

Lynöe N, Juth N, Helgesson G.

Case study of a framing effect in course evaluations.

Med Teach. 2012 ;34(1):68-70

Nordenram G, Davidson T, Gynther G, Helgesson G, Hultin M, Jemt T, Lekholm U, Nilner K, Norlund A, Rohlin M, Sunnegårdh-Grönberg K, Tranæus S

Qualitative studies of patients' perceptions of loss of teeth, the edentulous state and prosthetic rehabilitation: A systematic review with meta-synthesis.


Nordenram G, Davidson T, Gynther G, Helgesson G, Hultin M, Jemt T, Lekholm U, Nilner K, Norlund A, Rohlin M, Sunnegårdh-Grönberg K, Tranæus S

Qualitative studies of patients' perceptions of loss of teeth, the edentulous state and prosthetic rehabilitation: a systematic review with meta-synthesis.

Acta Odontol. Scand.. ;71(3-4):937-51

Wessel M, Lynöe N, Juth N, Helgesson G

The tip of an iceberg? A cross-sectional study of the general public's experiences of reporting healthcare complaints in Stockholm, Sweden.

BMJ Open. 2012 Jan 26;2(1):e000489. Print 2012.



Cutas D

On triparenting. Is having three committed parents better than having only two?

Journal of Medical Ethics 9 augusti 2011

Helgesson G

Are enrollment sites the key to optimizing participation in genetic studies?


Helgesson G, Eriksson S

Does informed consent have an expiry date? A critical reappraisal of informed consent as a process

Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2011;20: 85-92.


Helgesson G, Eriksson S

The moral primacy of the human being: a reply to Parker

Journal of Medical Ethics. 2011 Jan;37(1):56-7


Helgesson G, Eriksson S

Four themes in recent Swedish bioethics debates

Camb Q Healthc Ethics. 2011 Jul;20(3):409-17


Juth N, Tillberg T, Lynöe N

Intentions in critical clinical settings: a study of medical students perceptions

Journal of Medical Ethics(2011)


Lerner H, Lindblad A, Algers B, Lynøe N

Veterinary surgeons attitudes towards physician-assisted suicide: an empirical study of Swedish experts on euthanasia

Journal of Medical Ethics. 2011;1-4.


Lynöe N, Wessel M, Olsson D, Alexanderson K, Helgesson G

Respectful encounters and return to work: empirical study of long-term sick-listed patients' experiences of Swedish healthcare

BMJ Open. 2011 Jan 1;1(2):e000246


Lynöe N

Lika bör behandlas lika - men vad är lika?

Läkartidningen nr 43 2011 Volym 108

Malmqvist E, Helgesson G, Kari Natunen, Johannes Lehtinen, Matti Lehtinen

The ethics of implementing human papillomavirus vaccination in developed countries

Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2011;14:19-27.


Malmqvist E, Juth N, Lynöe N, Helgesson G

Early Stopping of Clinical Trials: Charting the Ethical Terrain

Kennedy Inst Ethics J. 2011 Mar;21(1):51-78


Melas PA, Georgsson Öhman S, Juth N, Bui TH

Information Related to Prenatal Genetic Counseling: Interpretation by Adolescents, Effects on Risk Perception and Ethical Implications

J Genet Couns. 2011 Oct 25


Munthe C, Sandman L, Cutas D

Person Centred Care and Shared Decision Making: Implications for Ethics, Public Health and Research

Health Care Anal. 2011 Jul 24. [Epub ahead of print]


Health Care Anal. 2011 Jul 24. [Epub ahead of print]

Sjöstrand M, Helgesson G, Eriksson S, Juth N

Autonomy-based arguments against physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia: a critique

Med Health Care Philos. 2011 Dec 8



Cutas D, Munthe C

Legal imperialism in the regulation of stem cell research and therapy: the problem of extraterritorial jurisdiction

in B. Capps and A. Campbell (eds), Contested Cells: Global Perspectives on the Stem Cell Debates. World Scientific and Imperial College Press: Singapore and London, 2010.


Cutas D, Bortolotti L

Natural versus Assisted Reproduction: In Search of Fairness

Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology 2010; 4; 1; 1-18.


Hedberg C, Vickhoff R, Engström I, Lynöe N

Can Evidence-based medicine become contra-productive?

Scand J Public Health. 2010;38(5):553-4.

Helgesson G, Eriksson S

The moral primacy of the human being: a reply to Parker

Journal of Medical Ethics. 2010 Nov 17. [Epub ahead of print]


Helgesson G, Hansson MG, Ludvigsson J, Swartling U

What parents find important when participating in longitudinal studies: results from a questionnaire

Clinical Ethics 5 (2010): 28-34; doi:10.1258/ce.2009.009039.

Höglund AT, Eriksson S, Helgesson G

The role of guidelines in ethical competence-building  perceptions among research nurses and physicians

Clinical Ethics 5 (2010):95-102; doi: 10.1258/ce.2009.009047

Irrestig R, Burström K, Wessel M, Lynöe N

How are homeless people treated in the health care system? Study of experiences and trust.

Scand J Pub Med. 2010;38(3):225-31


Johnsson L, Helgesson G, Rafnar T, Chia K-S, Eriksson S, Halldorsdottir I, Hansson MG

Hypothetical and factual willingness to participate in biobank research

European Journal of Human Genetics. 2010;18:1261-4


Juth N

Enhancement, Autonomy, and Authenticity.

Enhancing Human Capacities, ed. Savulescu, Blackwell Publishing, forthcoming, 2010.

Juth N

Justice in Health Care and Medical Tourism  Should Private Money Talk?

Consumer Medicine, ed. Tupasela A, TemaNord. 2010:530, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen 2010.

Juth N, Lindblad A, Lynöe N, Sjöstrand M, Helgesson G

European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) framework for palliative sedation: an ethical discussion.

BMC Palliative Care 2010 Sep 13;9(1):20.


Juth N, Lorentzon F

The Concept of Free Will and Forensic Psychiatry

International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 2010:33.


Juth N, Lynoe N

Do strong values influence estimations of future events?

Med Ethics. 2010;36(4):255-6


Juth N, Lynoe N

Sluttande planet och starka känslor  svår kombination?

Läkartidningen. 2010:7

Juth N, Sandberg J

Ethics and Intuitions: A Reply to Peter Singer

Accepted by Journal of Ethics 2010.

Leijonhufvud M, Lynöe N

Sederingsterapi som förkortar livet  dråp eller adekvat behandling?

Läkartidningen 2010;107:2772-3.

Lindblad A, Juth N, Fürst CJ, Lynöe N

Continuous deep sedation, physician assisted suicide, and euthanasia in Huntingtons disorder

Accepted by International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 2010.


Lindblad A, Juth N, Fürst CJ, Lynöe N

When enough is enough. Terminating life-sustaining treatment at the patients request. A survey of attitudes among Swedish physicians and the general public.

J Med Ethics. 2010;36(5):284-9

Lynöe N

Nyttigt med Kierkegaard inom den palliativa vården?

Läkartidningen. 2010;107:3153-5


Lynöe N

Avund tolkat som social smärta - och skadeglädje som sann lycka

Läkartidningen. 2010;107(23):1565-8

Lynöe N, Engström I

Tio myter att avliva om medicinsk etik.

Läkartidningen. 2010;107:2419-21.

Lynöe N, Juth N, Helgesson G

How to reveal disguised paternalism?

Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy. 2010;13:59-65


Malmqvist E, Helgesson G, Natunen K, Lehtinen J, Lehtinen M

The ethics of implementing human papillomavirus vaccination in developed countries.

Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy. 2010 Sept 19. [Epub ahead of print]


Malmqvist E, Zeiler K

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