Information about the recruitment of a new Head of Department at LIME
Welcome! This is a live page where we will continuously update information about the process regarding the recruitment of a new Head of the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, LIME in 2024. The process is regulated and the steps below mirrors the set procedure.
Latest news
We have reached step 7: Decision and professor Sabine Koch has been elected the new Head of Department of LIME as from 1st July 2024.
Congratulations Sabine!
- Lars E Eriksson, RN, MSc och PhD, Professor in Nursing and Associate and Vice Division Lead at the Division of Nursing at NVS: Lars E Eriksson | Karolinska Institutet (
- Sabine Koch, PhD, Strategic Professor of Health Informatics at KI and presently Acting Head of Department at LIME: Sabine Koch | Karolinska Institutet (
Step 5 - Report to the Dean
The chairperson of the recruitment group will formally report to the Dean of KI North about the work the group has done.
Step 6 - Interviews
The final candidates will be interviewed by the Dean of KI North and a HR specialist, and undergo individual personal assessments.
Step 7 - Decision
The KI President decides on a new Head of Department. The decision will be communicated to all staff at the department.
Recruitment Group & Requirements Profile
Marie Hasselberg, Head of the Department at Global Public Health, GPH (since 2018) has been commissioned by the Dean of KI North, to lead the recruitment process. Jenny Degerholm Langsmo, acting AC at LIME, will be secretary.
The chairperson appoints a recruitment group with the task of deciding a requirements profile for the role as Head of Department at LIME.
Discussions and confirmation of the recruitment group members and the requirements profile will take place with student-, department-, and union representatives. A great emphasis is placed on transparency during the process of recruiting a new Head of Department at LIME.
The group consists of:
- Marie Hasselberg, chairperson, Head of Department, GPH
- Jenny Degerholm Langsmo, secretary, Acting AC, LIME; AC, Labmed
- Charlotte Rossland, support to secretary, Assistant to Head of Department, LIME
- Clas Rehnberg, member, Vice Head of Department, LIME
- Vladimir Carli, member, Head of NASP, LIME
- Madelen Lek, member, assistant Director of Studies (GUA), LIME
- Per Palmgren, member, Director of Doctoral Studies, LIME
- Carl Johan Sundberg, adjunct, Dean, KI Nord
- Mikael Ohrling, adjunct, representative from Health and medical care, Healthcare Director (sjukvårdsdirektör vid regionledningskontoret)

Background: Carl Johan Sundberg was appointed Dean of KI North in December 2023, and therefore has left the position as Head of Department at LIME. Sabine Koch will be Acting Head of Department while the process of recruiting takes place.