Hello new staff #5
We are happy to introduce new colleagues at the Department of Laboratory Medicine. Welcome!

Ann Mellquist
Doctoral education administratorAnn has worked as an administrator at Södertörn University before joining KI, now she is “the new Arja Kramsu” (who has retired) taking care of the administration of doctoral education.

Busra Kocaturk
Education officerBusra was previously working as an officer/coordinator for the Swedish aptitude test (Högskoleprovet) at Stockholm University. At Labmed she is working as an education officer for the department and coordinating the board of eduation.

Kristina Ohlsén
Lecturer, MMedSci, CRNA, RN / Division of Clinical PharmacologyDuring the last years Kristina has worked for the Red Cross, fifteen years as a lecturer at the Red Cross University College and three years at the Swedish Red Cross International Dep. as a health advisor. At Labmed and Division of Pharmacology she will plan and conduct education within the laboratory disciplines

Staffan Wallin
Teacher/Division of ChemistryStaffan has a PhD in physical chemistry and has previously been teaching at Hagströmska gymnasiet in Uppsala. At Labmed Staffan will teach mainly in chemistry.

Flora Mikaeloff
PhD student in Division of Clinical Microbiology/Ujjwal Neogi groupFlora has completed a double master’s degree in Genetics and Bioinformatics at Paris Diderot University in France. She was previously at KI as a master student, but has come back to pursue her PhD in Ujjwal Neogi's group. Her Ph.D. project is about developing multi-omics pipelines in HIV-associated immune-aging. She is working mostly on transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics data obtained from cells and plasma from HIV-infected patients following antiretroviral therapy. Her research aims to find biomarkers and pathways related to immune-aging in HIV context using single-cell, multi-omics, system biology, and machine learning approaches.

Shuba Krishnan
Postdoc in Division of Clinical Microbiology/Ujjwal Neogi groupShuba obtained her PhD from Department of Laboratory Medicine in 2016 in Prof. Anna Karlsson’s group. During her PhD she studied the role of mitochondrial DNA in human inherited diseases and used the knowledge to derive therapeutic targets. She did a postdoctorate in Asst. Prof. Christine Cheung’s group, Laboratory of Molecular and Vascular Medicine, NTU, Singapore. Her project focused on functional elucidation of biomarkers for cerebrovascular disorders such as stroke and patient-specific approach for improved prognosis and diagnosis. She joined as a postdoc in Ujjwal Neogi’s group, Division of Microbiology in Sept 2019. Her research is aimed at unravelling intracellular metabolic pathways for accelerated ageing in people living with HIV-1 on ART treatment using high-throughput omics platforms and experimental models.

Rafael Ceña Diez
Post doc at Division of Clinical Microbiology/Sönnerborg groupRafael comes from the Hospital General Gregorio Marañon, Madrid, Spain where he was working in the use of nanotechnology against sexual transmited diseases. In Anders Sönnerborg research group Rafael will be working in antiviral research, HIV-1.
Elisa Saccon
Postdoc at Division of Clinical Microbiology / Sönnerborg groupElisa is a PhD in Molecular Medicine, at University of Padua (Italy). She defended herPhD thesis in March 2019. During her PhD, she focused on the development of a gene therapy approach for the treatment of HIV-1 infection, by means of lentiviral vectors. Part of her research project has also been directed towards testing the antiviral activity of plant-derived extracts, to identify additional new anti-HIV-1 inhibitors. In Anders Sönnerborg's research group Elisa will evaluate the antiviral activity of HIV-1 capsid inhibitor, integrase inhibitor and dipeptides.
Kariem Ezzat Ahmed
Research scientist/Clinical Research Center/Biomolecular Medicine group (BMM), Samir EL AndaloussiKariem is originally from Egypt, with a PhD in neurochemistry from Stockholm University and a Postdoc at The University of Oxford. He was previously in Samir's group as a post doc and then left for Stockholm University and is now back as a research scientist. Kariem is interested in viral interaction with extracellular host factors, the "viral protein corona", and how these factors affect infectivity, tropism, immunogenicity and species barriers. He is using this knowledge to develop new methods for better vaccine design and production. He also study the catalytic role of viruses in the process of amyloid aggregation, especially the role of neurotropic viruses in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.
Published: 2019-10-10