Newsletter March 2023

Dear all,

We are rapidly moving towards study start in PRINCESS 2, a randomized controlled trial assessing the effect of ultra-early cooling in cardiac arrest on complete neurologic outcome.

From the Sponsor, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden we can inform that ethical approval for the study was achieved the 15th of December in Sweden. In addition, approval from the Swedish Medical Agency now also has been achieved. Very time consuming due to new regulations.

Ethical applications are currently prepared in Germany, Austria, Slovenia and Belgium. Documents such as study protocol, insurance, consent document etc. can be requested from the study coordinator Thomas Hermansson,

We will have a Steering committee meeting May 24th in Frankfurt. In addition, we plan for an investigator meeting in Germany in June where we encourage interested investigators to participate. The date and place will be sent out within the coming weeks.

More information will be at hand on this web page, including documents for download. You can always contact Per Nordberg (PI) and Thomas Hermansson (study coordinator) for more information.

All the best from Stockholm,

Per and Thomas


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