The Karolinska Handball Study – KHAST I – Shoulder injuries in adolescent elite handball players

A prospective cohort study with a two-year follow-up period describing the burden of and risk factors for shoulder injuries in adolescent elite handball players.


There are around 130 000 licensed handball players in Sweden and about one third of them are adolescent. The prevalence of shoulder problems in handball is high but studies describing the burden in adolescent players as well as studies identifying risk factors for shoulder injuries in this population are lacking.


To describe the prevalence of shoulder problems and to identify modifiable risk factors for shoulder injuries in adolescent elite handball players.


471 female and male handball players, aged 15–19 were included in this cohort study. At baseline the players answered a comprehensive questionnaire regarding potential risk factors such as sex, plying position, playing lever, previous injuries and psychological factors. Clinical tests including shoulder strength, mobility and coordination as well as neck strength and coordination and trunk mobility was performed at baseline. The players were then monitored on a weekly basis for one or two seasons and in total 622 player seasons were included. The primary outcome is handball related shoulder injuries.


Identifying modifiable risk factors for shoulder injuries in adolescent elite handball players is a very important step so in the end preventative measures can be introduces and evaluated. 

Research principle

Karolinska Institutet


Swedish Research Council for Sport Science, Folksam insurance company, Scandinavian College of Naprapathic Manual Medicine, Swedish Naprapath Association.


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Eva E. Skillgate

Visiting Professor
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Martin Asker

Affiliated to Research
Content reviewer:
Anna Frantz