Research group Karin Modig: Covid-19

We aim to contribute to the existing literature through nationwide studies applying stringent epidemiological methodology.

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Selected Publications

Years of life lost during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sweden considering variation in life expectancy by level of geriatric care.
Ebeling M, Acosta E, Caswell H, Meyer AC, Modig K
Eur J Epidemiol 2022 Oct;37(10):1025-1034

Excess mortality from COVID-19: weekly excess death rates by age and sex for Sweden and its most affected region.
Modig K, Ahlbom A, Ebeling M
Eur J Public Health 2021 Feb;31(1):17-22

Revival of ecological studies during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Björk J, Modig K, Kahn F, Ahlbom A
Eur J Epidemiol 2021 Dec;36(12):1225-1229

Dödlighet och sjuklighet i covid-19 i Sverige under mars 2020 – februari 2021
[English: Patterns in COVID-19 Mortality and Morbidity in Sweden during the Pandemic Year March 2020-February 2021].
Andersson G, Drefahl S, Mussino E, Modig K, Meyer AC
Government report for the Swedish Corona Commission
English translation in: Stockholm Research Reports in Demography


Anna Meyer