mHealth for Burn Diagnostic and Care in South Africa. Knowledge-Based Partnership | ISAC

Burn injuries are a leading cause of premature death worldwide, and they are largely attributable to poor living conditions.Timely care is of paramount importance to the reduction of burn mortality and morbidity. In resource-poor settings, appropriate and timely care can be safeguarded through mobile information communication technologies (mHealth).

Collaboration between ISAC members and Stellenbosch University, Division of Emergency Medicine (South Africa).

In this partnership between two academic institutions we aim to develop and implement an interactive mobile phone-based consultation system to supply healthcare staff with burn diagnosis and care advice in the Western Cape Province (South Africa). We intend to use mobile phones as a tool for communication between grass root health staff and experts.

Through our academic and professional activities in the field of injury control and prevention, the partners are strongly committed to the improvement of health and safety in South Africa in particular and in the African region in general.

Ultimately, the system could inspire similar applications in trauma care, in South Africa, and in the region. Systems of that kind could not only supply and improve injury care but also decrease substantially costs and inequalities in health care provision.

Grant from MMW - Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Stiftelse (2013-2017).
Grant from Sida - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (2012-2013).


Image-based teleconsultation using smartphones or tablets: qualitative assessment of medical experts. Boissin C, Blom L, Wallis L, Laflamme L
Emerg Med J 2017 Feb;34(2):95-99

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