Half-time review at FyFa

On this page we describe the process of half-time review for doctoral students at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology.

The half-time review shall be carried out for every doctoral student who is aiming for a doctoral degree when two years of full-time doctoral education or the equivalent has been completed.

Please start by reviewing the general KI rules for half-time review.

1. Notification of half-time review

No later than four weeks before your half-time seminar you notify the department of an up-coming half-time review by submitting the first part of Form 5 (Notification). The doctoral student and the supervisor fill in part 1 and give the form to the administrator of doctoral education at the department. A Ladok transcript should be attached.

The director for doctoral studies appoints the half-time committee by signing the form, where after the doctoral student can send documents to the appointed committee.

2. Supervisor opens a new version of ISP (keep revision mode open until after seminar).

Digital Individual Study Plan (ISP) was launched at KI spring 2021. You will get instructions from Sofia Pettersson.

3. Submit documentation to the examination committee

You or your supervisor should then submit to the members of the examination committee, a number of documents related to your doctoral studies. Please consult the KI rules for half-time review to see which documents should be submitted.

4. Book a room for the half-time seminar

Remember to book a room.

5. Announce the half-time seminar in calendar

The half-time review should be announced in the KI and FyFa calendars on the website ki.se. This is done by the Communications Officer at Fyfa, Linda Nilsson. Please send her an e-mail with the following information:

  • The date and time of your half-time seminar
  • Link to Zoom
  • (In non-covid-19-times: Venue of the seminar (specify room))
  • The title of your work/your upcoming thesis
  • The name of your supervisor

6. After seminar:

  • Send the signed form 5 to Sofia Pettersson for signature from the director of doctoral studies.
  • Revise the ISP and upload from 5 and the Half-time report.

Queries and concerns

Sofia Pettersson

Educational administrator
Content reviewer: