Dissertation defence at FyFa

FyFa follows the general rules for dissertation defence at Karolinska Institutet.

General information

Take some time to go through the information Time to defend your thesis on KI's Staff portal.

FyFa timeframe for public defence application:

  1. Take some time to go through the information on KI´s staff portal.
  2. Contact the FyFa educational administrator for doctoral studies to check your Ladok credits and that you have documents you need for your application.
  3. Contact Eva.Lindgren@ki.se to book a venue for the dissertation.
  4. Book an appointment with the Director of Doctoral Studies at the department to have your application and attached documents reviewed and signed.
  5. Book an appointment with the Head of Department at FyFa to have your application and attached documents reviewed and signed at least one week before the last submission date of the application to the Dissertation Committee at KI.
  6. The completed and signed transcription of your public defence (including attachments) should then be sent to the Dissertation Committee at KI.

Transcript of public defence

The completed and signed transcription of your public defence (including attachements) should then be sent to the Dissertation Committee at KI.

Download the application form 9, Application public defence that you will find on Apply for public defence of your thesis. You will find the contact information to the Dissertation Committee on the same page.

Thesis printing

The printing cost for the thesis will be paid by Fyfa. Please forward the invoice in Agresso to Kristina Seitz. At the same time, please send a short message to ekonomi@fyfa.ki.se.

Opponent's fee and reimbursement

After the dissertation defence, your opponent is entitled to receive an opponent's fee of SEK 15 000 (minus taxes).

Opponents are also reimbursed for expenses they have had in connection to the dissertation defence.

Ask your opponent for the following information:

  • Full name
  • Birth data or Swedish identity number
  • Home address
  • Email address and phone number
  • A photo copy of his/her passport detail page
  • Bank account number (for foreign bank accounts, please include the IBAN and SWIFT numbers)
  • Tax registration number (TIN) in his/her country of origin (foreign opponents only)
  • Receipts in original (flight tickets, taxi ...)

Submit the information to FyFa's HR unit, HR@fyfa.ki.se.

Announcement of your thesis defence

Your thesis defence will be announced in the KI calendar by FYFA's Communications officer once the electronic version of your thesis has been uploaded to the KI Open Archive database.

Communications officer
Content reviewer: