Alumni reception in Washington D.C.

Science diplomacy - how can scientific teamwork between nations solve shared challenges and improve international relationships?

Date: March 10

Time: 6-9 p.m.

Place: Embassy of Sweden

Registration for this event is required, no later than February 28

Welcome to a joint alumni event at the Embassy of Sweden in Washington D.C. on March 10. You do not want to miss our three honorary guest speakers! Join us and network with fellow alumni and university representatives from eight Swedish universities.

House of Sweden, Washington DC

Honorary Guest Speakers

Fredrik Logevall
Photo: n/a

Fredrik Logevall

Fredrik Logevall, Professor of History and International Affairs at Harvard, is a recognized and Pulitzer Prize winning author. A native of Stockholm, Sweden, he holds a PhD in History from Yale and is a past president of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations.


Aluma Anna Sjöström Douagi

Anna Sjöström Douagi

Anna Sjöström Douagi is the deputy CEO of the Nobel Foundation, a member of the Swedish Academy of Sciences as well as the founder of the Young Academy of Sweden. She holds a PhD in Immunology from Karolinska Institutet and is an Advisory Council Member of the UN Environmental Program.


Kimberly Montgomery

Kimberly Montgomery

Kimberly Montgomery is the Director of International Affairs and Science Diplomacy at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). She is the editor-in-chief of the policy journal Science & Diplomacy, and holds a PhD in psychology and neuroscience from Princeton.


Dag Blanck Uppsala Universitet

Dag Blanck, moderator

Dag Blanck is Professor of North American Studies and director of the Swedish Institute for North American Studies at Uppsala University. He has a PhD in history from Uppsala, teaches American history, sits on the Board of Directors and Publications Committee of the Swedish-American Historical Society and directs Uppsala University’s program on democracy and higher education. He received the University’s Torgny Segerstedt Medal in 2024. 

Basic information

This event will include presentations and a moderated talk followed by networking and mingle. Light refreshments and snacks will be served. The dress code will be business casual and entrance is free, but please note that registration is required using the links provided below for your specific university.

Registration for this event is required, and please RSVP no later than February 28.

Date: March 10

Time: 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Where: Embassy of Sweden, Washington D.C.


Registration links

Please use the link provided for your university


Karolinska Institutet

Umeå University

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

University of Gothenburg

Lund University

Stockholm University

Uppsala University

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