Brazilian-Swedish Workshop on AI/ML in Life Science and Engineering
The Swedish-Brazilian Workshop on AI/ML in Life Science and Engineering will take place Nov 6-7! An interesting program with presentations in both the application areas and method development, brainstorming sessions and panel debates . We will focus on finding possible collaborations between Swedish and Brazilian researchers as well as collaborations between researchers in life science and engineering (application areas)
This workshop is jointly arranged with SeRC
Brazilian-Swedish Workshop on AI/ML in Life Science and Engineering
10 am- 17;30 pm
- 10:00 am: Welcome and Introduction
Peter Johansson, Vice- Consul,The Swedish Consulate; Dan Henningson (KTH) and Martin Schalling (KI)
- 10:30 am: CIn.AI Research: Responsible AI and AI for Cybersecurity Cleber Zanchettin (Cin-UFPE)
- 10:50 am: Health for Smart and Sustainable Cities, André Carvalho, USP
- 11.10 am: Artificial Intelligence and Wearables for Health and Wellbeing: Proactive actions, Anderson Rocha, Unicamp
- 11:30 am: Opportunities from data-centric AI, Ana Carolina Lorena, ITA
- 11:50 am AI for Mammographic Screening of Breast Cancer, Hossein Azizpour, KTH
- 12:10 am: Analytic Imaging Diagnostics Arena (AIDA) – a national triple-helix community putting AI to use in Swedish healthcare, Claes Lundström, LiU
- 12:30 am: Lunch Sweden House
- 14:00 pm: Panel discussion and Match making 1 (5 invited panelists AI/ML
Moderator Hedvig Kjellström, KTH - 15:30 pm : Coffee
- 16:00 pm: Presentation from smaller groups
- 16.30-17.30 pm: Continued discussions about collaboration possibilities
- 19.00 Drinks and dinner
10 - 17
Welcome day 2!
- 10:00 am: Neural networks in feedback for flow analysis, sensor placement and control William Wolf, Unicamp
- 10:20 am: Discovering novel control strategies for turbulent flows through deep reinforcement learning, Ricardo Vinuesa, KTH
- 10:40 am: Development, translation and implementation of AI-based precision pathology for breast cancer Mattias Rantalainen, KI
- 11.00 am: Automated algorithms and AI for surveillance of healthcare-associated infections, Pontus Naucler, KI
- 11:20 am: Responsible adoption of A.I. in clinical settings, Edson Amaro, Einstein
- 11:40 am Machine learning for improving healthcare decisions in disadvantaged Alexandre Chiavegatto, USP
- 12:00 am: Lunch Sweden House
- 13:30 pm:Panel discussion and Match making 2 - Panelists in Engineering/Life-Science;
Moderator Erik Lindahl, SU/KTH
- 15:30 pm : Coffee
- 16:00 pm: Closing discussions about funding possibilities and way forward
- 17:00 pm: Adjourn