Draft a cover letter that makes all the difference

As a KI alum, you have the opportunity to get individual feedback on improving your cover letter, completely free of charge, through our cooperation with Go Monday.

Go Monday's job experts provide a constructive way for you to show your strengths and talk about your weaknesses. They focus on your potential and what thrives you, rather than your work experience.

  • Specially designed for alumni
  • Get feedback and advice on how to improve your cover letter
  • Get a score on how good your cover letter is
  • Get everything summarized in a neat report

⏲️ Feedback within 24 hours

What the job expert will give feedback on:

How to reach your full potential

We help you highlight your key qualities and motivate why the job you are looking for is a perfect fit.

That your letter is adapted to the job you are applying for

By carefully reviewing the experience required, we help you emphasize what the employer demands.

How to clearly demonstrate what you are contributing

We make sure that who you are is reflected in your letter, so that your strengths and what you can contribute with becomes obvious.

That your application is correct, easy to read and appealing

Recruiters like clear, simple and well-structured letters. We help you make a good first impression.

How can I use this offer?

The service is offered together with Go Monday and is free of charge for all KI alumni. Fill out the form below to order a code that you use as payment for the service. The code is sent to the email address you enter in the form. After submitting the form and you have recieved the code, you can order the service via their website.

You can only use the free of charge-option on one of the Go Monday offers. The offer is only valid once per alumn.

In collaboration with Go Monday

We have collaborated with Go Monday since 2016 and offer feedback on CVs, personal letters or LinkedIn profiles free of charge (value SEK 349). 9 out of 10 KI students would recommend Go Monday to a friend.
