Stockholm Medical Image Laboratory and Education (SMILE)

Founded in 2001 as a core facility at Karolinska Institutet & Karolinska University Hospital, SMILE is reestablished in 2019, with the purpose to facilitate the evaluation of medical digital images, irrespective of source.

SMILE - Stockholm Medical Image Laboratory and Education

New user registration

The Stockholm Medical Image Laboratory and Education use an online system (iLAB) that streamlines the ordering and billing for core service requests. All facility users are invited to use the system, which requires a one-time registration according to the instruction in the following link. iLab Registration

Once you are registered, the system will enable you to place service requests, provide required approvals, and monitor progress.

About us

SMILE is the translational hub where clinicians, researchers and PhD-students from academy, healthcare and industry meet and benefit from the collected competence in image analysis, visualization and quantification. While using the images, tools and innovations for improved diagnostics and patient care, near collaboration with medtech companies is a prerequisite.

By preparing access to and treating clinical and preclinical images in a scientific way we strive to optimize the availability and use of medical image technology by

  • extracting, processing and visualizing medically significant information
  • make images and structured data available for data mining, radiomics and radiogenomics
  • offering a regional and national network and education around techniques, ethics and policies connected to the use of clinical and preclinical images and to them connected data

The SMILE Advisory Board


The SMILE Advisory Board
Name Location
Anders Persson Radiology, CMIV , LiU-CMIV (KI, CLINTEC)
Moustapha Hassan Oncology, ECM, LABMED, KS (PIF)
Cathrine Jonsson Radiation Physics, OnkPat, KS
Tie-Qiang Li MR Physics, CLINTEC, KS
Ozan Öktem Mathematics, KTH
Fernando Seoane Bioelectronics, CLINTEC, KS
Örjan Smedby Radiology, Visualization, KTH MTH, (KS)
Eric Westman Geriatrics, Image Analysis
Mattias Rantalainen Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, KI
Tomas Jonsson Medical Radiation Physics, KS



Profile image

Birgitta Janerot Sjöberg

Professor, MD. Director
Profile image

Farhad Abtahi

Assistant Professor, PhD. Deputy Manager
Content reviewer:
Åsa Catapano