Cancer Research KI list of cancer research PIs across KI, H to S

Please find the head and neck cancer, health care sciences within cancer, Kidney cancer, liver bile and duct cancers, lung cancer, muscoskeletal cancer, prostate cancer, sarcomas, and skin cancer researchers at KI listed in the tables below.

Note that this is an initial list that may still contain errors in part because the response rate on the conducted survey was below a hundred per cent. We would therefore like you to be in contact with us if you find that your name has been erroneously entered or if you would like to complete the current information in any way. Please send your update request to

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Head and neck cancer research

Head and neck
First NameSurnameKI emailDepartmentDescriptionGroup website
Lars-OlafCardelllars-olaf.cardell@ki.seDepartment of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (ClinTec)Introduction of immunological markers in lymph nodes for staging and therapeutics selection in head and neck cancer.
TinaDalianisTina.Dalianis@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)I study all aspects of human papillomavirus (HPV) induced cancer, especially head neck cancer aiming to find prognostic and targetable biomarkers to better individualise therapy, increase survival and quality of life. I also have a general interest in virus induced cancer and all aspects of the immune system.
CarolineGahmcaroline.gahm@ki.seDepartment of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (ClinTec)
KarinGarming Legertkarin.garming.legert@ki.seDepartment of Dental Medicine (DentMed)
EvaMunck Af Rosenschöld Wiklandeva.munck-wikland@ki.seDepartment of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (ClinTec)
RachaelSugarsrachael.sugars@ki.seDepartment of Dental Medicine (DentMed)Developing clinical and pathological diagnostics for oral complications after hematopoietic cell transplantation in the form of Graft versus Host Disease (GVHD). Clinical studies along with the use of machine learning approaches work to refine oral mucosal and salivary gland cGVHD pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria and the search for predictive biomarkers. of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB)
GustavStålhammargustav.stalhammar@ki.seDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience (CNS)We conduct clinical and preclinical research to expand knowledge, improve survival and reduce suffering in eye cancer and diseases of the eyelids and lacrimal system.
AndersNäsmananders.nasman@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)
JuanDujuan.du@ki.seDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC)My group study the role of microbiome in cancer diagnosis, development, and treatment.

Health Care Sciences, cancer research

Health care sciences
First NameSurnameKI emailDepartmentDescriptionGroup website
LindaBjörkhem-Bergmanlinda.bjorkhem-bergman@ki.seDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS)Cancer research in Palliative Care. Clinical and translational studies.
PernillaLagergrenpernilla.lagergren@ki.seDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK)We are investigating factors that influence survivorship after oesophageal and gastric cancer in order to personalise and individualise the care after cancer.
ClaudiaLampicclaudia.lampic@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)Focus on survivorship and quality of life in young adults with cancer. Leads research program Fertility and sexuality following cancer (Fex-Can).
AnnLangius-Eklöfann.langius-eklof@ki.seDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS)To evaluate the effects of routine use of an app of diagnose/treatment related symptoms and concerns regarding symptom burden, quality of life, cost-effectiveness and survival.
AnnikaLindahl Norbergannika.lindahl.norberg@ki.seInstitute of Environmental Medicine (IMM)
PernillaPergertpernilla.pergert@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)We perform childhood cancer healthcare research, focusing on intercultural care & clinical ethics. of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME)
DavidTamborerodavid.tamborero@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)> analyses of omics data to better understand cancer mechanisms and therapeutic opportunities> development of bioinformatic tools to support the clinical decision making
CarolTishelmancarol.tishelman@ki.seDepartment of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME)I am primarily working with end-of-life care issues from a public health palliative care perspective at present.This research line is not cancer-specific.I have previously researched symptom experiences, primarily related to lung cancer, as well as secondary cancer prevention
MikaelBensonmikael.benson@ki.seDepartment of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (ClinTec)We construct high resolution computational models of individual patient's tumours based on integration of routine clinical variables and multi-omics data down to the single cell level. The models are computationally treated with thousands of drugs to find optimal drug or drug combination for the individual patient

Kidney (renal cell) and urinary tract cancer research

Kidney (renal cell) and urinary tract
First NameSurnameKI emailDepartmentDescriptionGroup website
AndreasLundqvistandreas.lundqvist@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Our research focus on studies to understand how natural killer cells and T cells are regulated in patients with cancer. With this knowledge we aim to develop improved immunotherapies in patients with cancer.
LarsEgevadlars.egevad@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)

Liver Bile duct Pancreas cancer research

Liver Bile duct Pancreas
First NameSurnameKI emailDepartmentDescriptionGroup website
SooAlemansoo.aleman@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
EmmaAnderssonemma.andersson@ki.seDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB)
AnnikaBergquistannika.bergquist@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)Biomarkets for eraly detection of cholangiocarcinoma of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB)The role of obesity ans diabetes on cancer development, focussing on the liver and liver cancer
MarcoGerlingmarco.gerling@ki.seDepartment of Biosciences and Nutrition (BioNut)
KarinLindahlkarin.lindahl@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
MattiSällbergmatti.sallberg@ki.seDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)
MargaretSällberg Chenmargaret.chen@ki.seDepartment of Dental Medicine (DentMed)Targeting cancer-associated pathogens for early cancer prevention and treatment
JohanSandbergjohan.sandberg@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)We investigate the role of unconventional T cells (MAIT cells) in tissues, tumors and treatment.
ErnestoSparrelidernesto.sparrelid@ki.seDepartment of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (ClinTec)Liver and pancreatic cancer surgery, liver regeneration, liver immunology and pancreatic cystic lesions. Both clinical and translational research.
MiroslavVujasinovicMiroslav VujasinovicDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
NiklasBjörkströmniklas.bjorkstrom@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)We study human tumor immunology with a focus on liver cancer making use of rare fresh clinical tissue samples and the latest single cell methods.…
PerStålper.stal@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)Blood-bourne biomarkers for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma.Prognostic biomarkers for treatment response of hepatocelluler carcinoma.
Amir AtaSaeiamirata.saei.dibavar@ki.seDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC)We use novel tools in mass spectrometry-based proteomics, biochemistry, systems biology and data-driven approaches to study cancer metabolism. We are mainly focused on colon cancer at the intersection of cancer cell metabolism, dietary nutrients and the microbiome. The ultimate aim is to develop novel drugs and therapeutic modalities against colon cancer and other metabolic disorders.
AvlantNilssonavlant.nilsson@ki.seDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB)We constrain deep learning models of multiomics data from cancer cells, so that their predictions align with physical interactions between biomolecules.
DanielHageydaniel.hagey@ki.seDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)I am interested in which component of blood carries the greatest enrichment of tumour derived material and how best to isolate this. To further multi-cancer early diagnostics, I wish to use sequencing-based analysis on blood drops.
HannesHagströmhannes.hagstrom@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)Identifying patients/traits associated with increased risk of liver cancer.

Lung cancer research

First NameSurnameKI emailDepartmentDescriptionGroup website
IsabelBarragánisabel.barragan@ki.seDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology (Fyfa)Identification of molecular biomarkers of response to cancer immunotherapy. Generation of reponse and prognosis prediction models combining molecular and clinicopathological variables. Abscopal response mechanisms. Any cancer treated with immunotherapy.
Britt-MarieBernhardsonbritt-marie.bernhardson@ki.seDepartment of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME)
LuigiDe Petrisluigi.depetris@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Clinical factors of importance for immunotherapy in non-small cell (NSCLC), and biomarker studies in relation to treatment pathways in small-cell lung cancer (SCLC)
KatalinDobrakatalin.dobra@ki.seDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)My focus is molecular profiling and understanding of cell-matrix interactions in aggressive mesenchymal tumours. By molecular modifications we can revert this EMT like phenomenon and tumour cells achieve an epithelioid differentiation. I also study both in experimental and clinical settings various tumor driving mutations and angiogenic factors and by combining various genome wide analyses with ex vivo drug sensitivity/resistence profiling we can pinpoint individual fingerprints of tumours and match them with the best suited individualised therapy.
SimonEkmansimon.ekman@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)
Lars E.Erikssonlars.eriksson@ki.seDepartment of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME)Translational aspects with patient reported outcome measures and biomarkers
BoFranzénbo.franzen@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)3. Development of fine needle based molecular cytology for personalized cancer medicine:
PerHydbringper.hydbring@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)To investigate novel RNA-based therapies and RNA-based diagnostics in non-small cell lung cancer.
VeronicaJacksonVeronica.Jackson@ki.seDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK)Outcome following thoraic cancer surgery
JanneLehtiöjanne.lehtio@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Cancer proteogenomics from methods development to biological and translational research. Connecting molecular phenotype, proteome level information to improve targeted and immunotherapy in cancer.
RolfLewensohnrolf.lewensohn@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)
KarinLindbergkarin.lindberg@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Integration of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT)  in the metastastic setting and evaluation of SBRT to centrally  located lung lesions.
KnutLönnrothknut.lonnroth@ki.seDepartment of Global Public Health (GPH)
NicoleMarquardtnicole.marquardt@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)We strive towards a better understanding on the immunological landscape within the human lung.…
ErikNorbergHelin.Norberg@ki.seDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology (Fyfa)The main focus of our research is to dissect the cells own quality control mechanisms to develop novel therapeutic strategies to selectively target pathogenic proteins in cancer.
UllaSteniusUlla.Stenius@ki.seInstitute of Environmental Medicine (IMM)
KristinaViktorssonkristina.viktorsson@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Analyses of Ephrin/Eph and extracelluar vesicles for lung cancer biomarkers.
BorisZhivotovskyboris.zhivotovsky@ki.seInstitute of Environmental Medicine (IMM)Why some tumor cells are resistant to cell death?
LukasOrreLukas.orre@i.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)The aim of my research is to understand the molecular phenotype of different lung cancers using multi-level omics in clinical cohorts and model systems. The end goal is to provide better methods for treatment stratification to improve precision medicine in lung cancer.…

Musculoskeletal cancer research

First NameSurnameKI emailDepartmentDescriptionGroup website
LarssonLarslars.larsson@ki.seDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology (Fyfa)Mechanmisms underlying cancer cachexia. Intervention strategies.
PanagiotisTsagkozispanagiotis.tsagkozis@ki.seDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK)Bone and soft-tissue sarcomas. Bone metastases and pathological fracture treatment.
RikardWedinRikard.wedin@ki.seDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK)AI-baserade Prognostiska beslutsstöd för behandling av skelettmetastaspatienter.Registerhållare RCC’s Internationella register för kirurgiskt behandlade skelettmetastaspatienter.
FelixHaglund de Flonfelix.haglund@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Comprehensive genomic characterization of sarcoma.
MarieHolmqvistmarie.holmqvist@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Solna (MedS)Why patients with rheumatic disease develop cancer?

Prostate cancer research

First NameSurnameKI emailDepartmentDescriptionGroup website
OlofAkreolof.akre@ki.seDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK)
StephanieBonnstephanie.bonn@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Solna (MedS)
StefanCarlssonstefan.carlsson@ki.seDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK)Improve diagnosing prostate cancer.
MarkClementsmark.clements@ki.seDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB)Health economic evaluation of cancer screening
MartinEklundmartin.eklund@ki.seDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB)
HenrikGrönberghenrik.gronberg@ki.seDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB)
Jan-ÅkeGustafssonjan-ake.gustafsson@ki.seDepartment of Biosciences and Nutrition (BioNut)
OveGustafssonove.gustafsson@ki.seDepartment of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (ClinTec)
JohanLindbergjohan.lindberg@ki.seDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB)Broad DNA- and RNA sequencing in the context of randomised clinical trials and retrospective research on large cohorts.
StenNilssonsten.nilsson@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)
FredrikWiklundfredrik.wiklund@ki.seDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB)Population-based genetic epidemiological studies of testicular and prostate cancer.
PeterWiklundPeter.Wiklund@ki.seDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK)

Sarcomas research

First NameSurnameKI emailDepartmentDescriptionGroup website
MonikaEhnmanmonika.ehnman@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Translational studies on the sarcoma tumor microenvironment, multiplex immunostaining of patient cohorts, stromal cell and immune cell biomarkers.
PanagiotisTsagkozispanagiotis.tsagkozis@ki.seDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK)Sarcomas and metastatic bone disease
FelixHaglund de Flonfelix.haglund@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Comprehensive genomic characterization of sarcoma.
NikolasHeroldnikolas.herold@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)My research focuses on resistance mechanisms against chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Through identification of resistance factors, drug screening to identify small molecule inhibitors and conducting of clinical trials we are committed to translational oncology.

Skin cancer research

First NameSurnameKI emailDepartmentDescriptionGroup website
SuzanneEgyhazi Bragesuzanne.egyhazi.brage@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Translational research in cutaneous melanoma. The main focus is identification of biomarkers to predict efficacy of targeted therapies and immunotherapies.
LennartEmtestamlennart.emtestam@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
MariaGenandermaria.genander@ki.seDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB)We are interested in bridging normal stem and progenitor cell function to cancer.
JohanHanssonjohan.hansson@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Translational research in melanoma focusing on predictive and prognostic markers.
RikardHolmdahlrikard.holmdahl@ki.seDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB)Redox control of the immune response to cancer.
CarlosIbanezcarlos.ibanez@ki.seDepartment of Neuroscience (NEURO)Physiological Roles and Signaling Mechanisms of Death Receptor p75NTR: Application to Drug Discovery in Melanoma and other Cancers
MariaKaspermaria.kasper@ki.seDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB)Skin cancer. We study the cellular heterogeneity, molecular signals and niche importance in healthy skin and skin cancer (BCC, SCC, Melanoma), using single-cell transcriptomics, computational biology, spatial tissue mapping, human tissue, and mouse models.
RolfKiesslingrolf.kiessling@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Performing clinical cell therapy trials with TIL cells and DC tumor vaccines.Investigating tumor escape mechanisms and how to overcome these.
StigOllmarstig.ollmar@ki.seDepartment of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (ClinTec)
AndorPivarcsiandor.pivarcsi@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Solna (MedS)We investigate the role of non-coding RNAs in different forms of skin cancers.
UlrikRingborgulrik.ringborg@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)
StefanSeregardstefan.seregard@ki.seDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience (CNS)
FredrikWermelingfredrik.wermeling@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Solna (MedS)My group studies cancer drug response, including a novel immunotherapy that triggers a metabolic phenotype. We use CRISPR and CRISPR screens to find combinatorial drug targets.
GustavStålhammargustav.stalhammar@ki.seDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience (CNS)We conduct clinical and preclinical research to expand knowledge, improve survival and reduce suffering in eye cancer and diseases of the eyelids and lacrimal system.
YvonneBrandbergyvonne.brandberg@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Professor of Care Sciences, focusing on oncology, at the Department of Oncology-Pathology. Psychologist, specialist in clinical psychology focused on measures/treatment/counseling.
HildurHelgadottirhildur.helgadottir@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Our research is focused on malignant melanoma. We study melanoma incidence, biology, genetics and different aspects related to prevention and treatment of the disease.
HannaBraunerhanna.brauner@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Solna (MedS)Translational studies on cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Disease pathogenesis, anti-lymphoma responses, novel diagnostic tools, effects of treatments, mortality and long-term effects.…
HannaErikssonhanna.eriksson.4@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)
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