Cancer Research KI maps cancer research principal investigators across KI

This page is being updated currently. We are sorry for the inconvenience.



This initiative is part of Cancer Research KI’s ambition to serve as an entry point for several market actors interested to engage with cancer research at KI.

The first version of the database, presented over four consecutive pages, will be updated during the next few months.

The collected information on KI-based cancer researchers is presented at Data Visualisation section below. The data have been gathered during 2020 and 2021 by pooling data from the KI website, publicly available information from Cancerfonden, and from an internal survey conducted by Cancer Research KI in 2020. We have verified our entries (affiliations, emails) by collaborating with KI's IDAC system as well as with our Reference Group. By pooling all available sources, we now have information covering close to 80% of our entries. The majority of KI cancer research is conducted in the area of basic (pre-clinical) research, followed by translational and clinical research. Across KI, basic science, blood and breast cancers are the dominant diagnostic areas, and the Department of Onology and Pathology harbors the highest number of principal investigators in the area of cancer research. 


Data Visualisation

We showcase part of our analysis below in a slideshow format. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us here.

Principal investigators are classified by main diagnostic area of research and presented in table format

We have included in each table the research division(s) the PIs are active in as well as what diagnostic area(s) they have direct research experience in. To see the full details of these researchers please have a look at the downloadable excel files at the end of this page.

The principal investigators identified have been listed according to the main diagnostic areas of research and can be found by following the diagnostic area links below. Please note that this is an initial list that may still contain errors in part because the response rate on the conducted survey was below a hundred per cent. We would therefore like you to be in contact with us if you find that your name has been erroneously entered or if you would like to complete the current information in any way. Please send your update request to

Adapting from the pre-existing classifications used by the Swedish Cancer Society we [Cancer Research KI] utilised the following Research Divisions for our analysis:

  • Pre-clinical research (incl. basic research)
  • Translational research
  • Clinical research
  • Epidemiology
  • Healthcare research
  • Technology (incl. instrumentation)
  • Other

Links to access the tables of PIs according to Diagnostic Areas

As above, we included the following Diagnostic Areas and to access the tables with PIs listed please follow the links below:


A full list of all departments of KI, their location and respective websites can be found here.

If you are a KI-based group leader/PI engaged in some cancer-related research and your name is not here then we would like to hear from you so that we can feature you! Please contact us here.


Downloadable Protected Excel Files

Content reviewer:
Dina Dabaghie