Cancer Research KI list of cancer research PIs across KI, B

Please find the blood cancer, nervous system cancer researchers at KI listed in the tables below.

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Blood cancer research

First NameSurnameKI emailDepartmentDescriptionGroup website
HassanAbolhassanihassan.abolhassani@ki.seDepartment of Biosciences and Nutrition (BioNut)I am working on cancers associated with inborn Errors of Immunity (IEI) as a heterogeneous group of 450 genetic disorders characterized by a defect in the function of immune system components. Our team aimed to identify the role of monogenic defects on oncologic hallmarks of IEI entities to dissect not only the impact of avoiding immune destruction, but also genome instability, and mutation, enabling replicative immortality, tumor-promoting inflammation, resisting cell death, sustaining proliferative signaling, evading growth suppressors, deregulating cellular energetics, inducing angiogenesis, and activating invasion and metastasis in these groups of patients.…
EvrenAlicievren.alici@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
SvetlanaBajalica Lagercrantzsvetlana.lagercrantz@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)
MagnusBjö magnus.bjorkholm@sll.seDepartment of Medicine, Solna (MedS)Biology of Hodgkin and related lymphomas. Epidemiology of hematological malignancies
PetterBrodinpetter.brodin@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)
YenanBrycesonyenan.bryceson@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)Our research group investigates the molecular regulation human cytotoxic lymphocyte differentiation and function. A major aim is to translate findings to improved cellular immunotherapy of cancer.
MattiasCarlstenmattias.carlsten@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
BenedictChambersbenedict.chambers@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)My research examines the role of innate immune cells in cancer.
JonathanCoquetjonathan.coquet@ki.seDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC)I study the role of the immune system in cancer elimination and growth.
KarinEkström-Smedbykarin.ekstrom.smedby@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Solna (MedS)Risk, survival and survivorship of malignant lymphomas and other cancer forms
MartinEngemartin.enge@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)We are developing novel single-cell multiomic methods and applying them to study gene regulation in patient samples from leukemias and solid cancers.
ElisabethEpsteinelisabeth.epstein@ki.seDepartment of Clinical Science and Education, SödersjukhusetMultidisciplinary collaborations (with Scilife lab, KTH and other disciplines), spanning from cutting-edge translational research, innovative projects aiming to implement AI aim the diagnostic triage, and clinical ultrasound studies improving risk-prediction for every woman in order to optimize and individualize management.
ErinGabrielErin GabrielDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB)I develop statistical methods that can be used in cancer research.
IngridGlimeliusingrid.glimelius@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Solna (MedS)
MoustaphaHassanmoustapha.hassan@ki.seDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)Our research aims mainly to 1. Individualize treatment during cancer therapy in order to improve the treatment efficacy and minimize the adverse effects.2. Develop preclinical models to investigate the mechanisms underlying the development of GvHD and cardiovascular toxicities in order to develop an appropriate prophylactic treatment.
EvaHellström Lindbergeva.hellstrom-lindberg@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)improve cure rates and symptom-free survival for patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS).
Jan-IngeHenterJan-Inge.Henter@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)
MatsHeymanmats.heyman@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)Chief investigator for clinical trial in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia for children and young adults.Associated research into toxicity and clinical epidemiology of childhood cancer and cancer epidemiology of childhood cancer.…
PetterHöglundpetter.hoglund@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
Sten EirikJacobsensten.eirik.jacobsen@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)Cancer Stem Cells in Chronic Myeloid Malignancies…
HelenKaipehelen.kaipe@ki.seDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)
Olli-PekkaKallioniemiolli.kallioniemi@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)
AnnaKarlssonanna.karlsson@ki.seDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)
MikaelKarlssonmikael.karlsson@ki.seDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC)Immunotherapy targeting the cancer stroma with a foucus on Macrophages and B cells.
KlasKärreklas.karre@ki.seDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC)
EvaKimbyeva.kimby@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
SorenLehmannsoren.lehmann@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
AndreasLennartssonandreas.lennartsson@ki.seDepartment of Biosciences and Nutrition (BioNut)We are working on epigenomic and transcriptomic regulation, and epigenetic treatment of acute leukemia in adults and children.…
StigLinderstig.linder@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)
AnnaLindstrandanna.lindstrand@ki.seDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK)Using zebrafish to develop combination therapies to overcome drug resistance in AML
Hans-GustafLjunggrenhans-gustaf.ljunggren@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)Cancer immunotherapy, in particular exploring the potential of using NK cells alone or in combination with other drugs in malignant diseases. Much of this is explored in Phase I or II clinical trials with extensive exploratory analysis of patient material following NK cell infusions.
PerLjungmanper.ljungman@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)Viral infections after allogeneic stem cell transplantation with special focus on COVID-19 and CMV. Vaccination of stem cell transplant recipients
VanessaLundinvanessa.lundin@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)Translational hematology research focussing on in vitro modelling of human myeloid disease
Karl-JohanMalmbergkalle.malmberg@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
RobertMånssonrobert.mansson@ki.seDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)The aim with our research is to understand the underlying genetic and gene regulatory aberrations in multiple myeloma to provide improved prognostics and understanding of disease development.
MatsMarshall Heymanmats.heyman@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)
SergioMartinez Hoyersergio.martinez.hoyer@ki.seDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC)
MariaMasuccimaria.masucci@ki.seDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB)mechanism of tumor virus immune regulation and oncogenesis
JonasMattssonjonas.mattsson@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Development of immunotherapy and CAR T-cell therapies in solid tumors with special focus on ovarian cancer
HåkanMellstedthakan.mellstedt@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)
JakobMichaelssonjakob.michaelsson@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
StephanMielkestephan.mielke@ki.seDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)
AnnaNilssonanna.nilsson.1@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)Adaptive immunity in children with cancer. Effects of chemo on normal lymphocytes
AnnNordgrenann.nordgren@ki.seDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK)
SamOkretsam.okret@ki.seDepartment of Biosciences and Nutrition (BioNut)
AndersÖsterborgAnders.osterborg@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)
CarolinePalm Apergicaroline.palm.apergi@ki.seDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)Our aim is to develop RNAi therapies into precision medicine against caner for treatment of both adult and pediatric cancers. Our goal is to develop a more selective and less toxic therapy against cancer and to identify new, potential biomarkers for cancer.
JanPalmbladjan.palmblad@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
QiangPan Hammarströmqiang.pan-hammarstrom@ki.seDepartment of Biosciences and Nutrition (BioNut)We study the mechanics involved in DNA repair and recombination during immunoglobulin gene diversification processes and their involvement in genome instability and cancer development.…
KatjaPokrovskaja Tammkatja.pokrovskaja@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)The aim is to find novel targets for anti-cancer therapy and develop drugs and drug combinations to overcome resistance and prevent relapse in childhood leukemia. Autophagy and STAT3 pathways are in focus of my research.
HongQianhong.qian@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
OlleRingdénolle.ringden@ki.seDepartment of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (ClinTec)
RichardRosenquist Brandellrichard.rosenquist@ki.seDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK)Focusing on hematological malignancies and utilizing high-throughput sequencing and other innovative technologies, our research team has identified novel prognostic and predictive biomarkers that have refined disease classification and significantly improved patient risk-stratification and clinical decision-making.
BirgittaSanderbirgitta.sander@ki.seDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)Focussed on mantle cell lymphoma, new markers for prediction to therapy.
DhifafSarhandhifaf.sarhan@ki.seDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)Cancer immunotherapy- Exploiting innate memory and immune sexual dimorphism in the tumor microenvironment.
BrintonSeashore-Ludlowbrinton.seashore-ludlow@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)We measure drug sensitivity and resistance profiles for individual patients with ovarian cancer.
EdvardSmithedvard.smith@ki.seDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)
AndersSönnerborganders.sonnerborg@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
MattiasSvenssonmattias.svensson@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
michaelUhlinmichael.uhlin@ki.seDepartment of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (ClinTec)Investigate novel approaches to exploit the full immunotherapeutic capabilities of γδ T cells, both in AML patients undergoing HSCT and also in solid tumors.
JohannaUngerstedtJohanna.Ungerstedt@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH) of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB)Development and applications of statistical and computational methods for cancer genomics data
Björn E. E.Wahlinbjorn.wahlin@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)
ElisabeteWeiderpasselisabete.weiderpass@ki.seDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB)www.iarc.fr
LisaWesterberglisa.westerberg@ki.seDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC)Tumor Immunology and Cell biology
PetterWollpetter.woll@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)Complementary studies on hematopoietic material from mouse and human bone marrow to characterise and target cells required and sufficient for the propagation of hematologic malignancies.
AnthonyWrightanthony.wright@ki.seDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)The focus is on how lymphoma/ leukaemia cells interact with healthy cells in microenvironments in order to increase their survival properties. We also study how these interactions are affected by a range of precision medicines, such as the BTK inhibitor Ibrutinib.
GiovannaZinzallagiovanna.zinzalla@ki.seDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC)I focus on two key molecular machineries: (1) MYC and other members of its Basic-Helix-Loop-Helix-Zipper (bHLHZip) network of transcription factors; and (2) the SWI/SNF (BAF) chromatin remodelling complexes.My research approaches encompass the use of chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics and structural biology with the ultimate goal of developing new anticancer agents.
CarolineDietrichcaroline.dietrich@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Solna (MedS)With an increasing number of cancer survivors in the world, survivorship is and will continue to be a growing research field where developments in terms of biostatistical methods are required to meet the needs of this emerging research landscape. My research is motivated by improving life after cancer, and my focus lies on developing novel biostatistical methods to better address clinically relevant cancer survivorship issues.…
DanielHageydaniel.hagey@ki.seDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)I am interested in which component of blood carries the greatest enrichment of tumour derived material and how best to isolate this. To further multi-cancer early diagnostics, I wish to use sequencing-based analysis on blood drops.
HannaBraunerhanna.brauner@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Solna (MedS)Translational studies on cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Disease pathogenesis, anti-lymphoma responses, novel diagnostic tools, effects of treatments, mortality and long-term effects.…

Brain and nervous system, cancer research

Brain and nervous system
First NameSurnameKI emailDepartmentDescriptionGroup website
IgorAdameykoigor.adameyko@ki.seDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology (Fyfa)We do study neuroblastoma origin and heterogeneity
LarsÄhrlund-Richterlars.ahrlund@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)
ErnestArenasernest.arenas@ki.seDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB)
MarieArsenian-Henrikssonmarie.arsenian.henriksson@ki.seDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC)
JiriBartekjiri.bartek.1@ki.seDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB)
KlasBlomgrenklas.blomgren@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)Our research is focused on injury and repair in the juvenile brain and we have found that the young, still growing brain reacts very differently to injury compared with an adult brain.We focus primarily on the type of injuries inflicted by ionizing radiation to the young brain, as used in the treatment of malignant diseases.
GonçaloCastelo-BrancoGoncalo.Castelo-Branco@ki.seDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB)we investigate how oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) transition to glioma initiating cells (GICs) and whether OPCs can transition to immunocompetent states, as we previously observed in multiple sclerosis.
MathildeCheraymathilde.cheray@ki.seInstitute of Environmental Medicine (IMM)Epigenetic reprogramming in brain tumors and their microenvironment
PatrikErnforspatrik.ernfors@ki.seDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB)
MariaFeychtingmaria.feychting@ki.seInstitute of Environmental Medicine (IMM)Epidemiological studies mainly on brain tumors and childhood cancers.
ChristianGöritzchristian.goeritz@ki.seDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB)We study the tumor microenvironment (tumor stroma) in glioblastoma using mouse models and human tissue analysis. We investigate tumor stroma composition, origing and function.
RobertHarrisrobert.harris@ki.seDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience (CNS)Novel immunotherapies for glioblastoma multiforme. Focus on myeloid cells, as therapeutic agents, in studies of microglia depletion,and using nanoparticles to deliver siRNA
OlaHermansonola.hermanson@ki.seDepartment of Neuroscience (NEURO)Using advanced molecular biology techniques and biomedical engineering to study and regulate stem cell-like cells in neural tumors and healthy brain to improve prognosis and treatment of pediatric and adult patients.
JohanHolmbergjohan.holmberg@ki.seDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB)Working on gene regulation and differentiation in neuroblastoma.
John IngeJohnsenjohn.inge.johnsen@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)Translational research on pediatric neural tumors
BertrandJosephbertrand.joseph@ki.seInstitute of Environmental Medicine (IMM)Myeloid cells contribution to brain tumours.
KasperKarlssonkasper.karlsson@scilifelab.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)We develop new experimental and computational tools to predict drug response that take intra-tumoral heterogeneity into account. We also investigate ways to improve radiation based therapies for pediatric cancers.
PerKognerper.kogner@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)
JonasMuhrjonas.muhr@ki.seDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB)
MonicaNistermonica.nister@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)
ShahrzadShirazi Fardshahrzad.shirazi.fard@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)My research set out to investigate consequences of tumour heterogeneity for the progression into refractory disease, with the objective to target residual disease and prevent metastasis
CatarinaTrägercatarina.trager@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)
MalinWickströmmalin.wickstrom@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)Novel therapies for treatment of neuroblastoma.
PeterZaphiropoulospeter.zaphiropoulos@ki.seDepartment of Biosciences and Nutrition (BioNut)
JakobStenmanjakob.stenman@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)Development of radiopharmaceutical therapy for metastatic neuroblastoma. Basic science to clinical trials.
SusanneSchlisiosusanne.schlisio@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)"Therapy resistance is the direct consequence of pre-existing intratumor heterogeneity. We study developmental properties driving intratumor heterogeneity and phenotypic plasticity in neuroblastoma and paraganglioma to improve clinical outcome for cancer patients. "
AhmedOsmanahmed.osman@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)"I study: - The molecular determinants of leptomeningeal growth in adult and paediatric cancers. - The molecular determinants of response to radiation therapy in metastases - The late complications of cranial irradiation "
StenLinnarssonsten.linnarsson@ki.seDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB)We study the cellular and molecular composition, as well as origin and development, of primary human brain cancer, especially glioblastoma. Our aim is to develop a therapy based on synthetic DNA that reprograms the tumor environment to eradicate the tumor.;…
MargaretaWilhelmmargareta.wilhelm@ki.seDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC)Our aim is to understand mechanisms regulating cancer and how the continuous cross talk between tumor cells, the surrounding stroma and infiltrating immune cells control tumor development. We use reprogramming techniques to generate disease-relevant stem cell models that mimic the disease and help uncover mechanisms that turn healthy cells into cancer cells and are used to uncover novel targets for developing future therapies.

Breast cancer research

Breast Cancer
First NameSurnameKI emailDepartmentDescriptionGroup website
GöranAnderssongoran.andersson@ki.seDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)
JonasBerghjonas.bergh@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)
AlexiosMatikasalexios.matikas@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Clinical trials, registry-based research and translational studies from tissue obtained from breast cancer patients participating in randomized trials.…
YvonneBrandbergyvonne.brandberg@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Psychosocial consequences of cancer disease and treatment, including health-related quality of life. Behavioral aspects of primary prevention.
KamilaCzenekamila.czene@ki.seDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB)I am breast cancer epidemiologists. Main focus of my research is genetic and mammographic factors of breast cancer prognosis
Janade of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK)My cancer research focuses on de-escalation of axillary surgery, breast reconstruction and oncoplastic surgery, and effects of physical exercise on chemotherapy response. Survival analyses regarding different types of staging and breast surgery.
TheodorosFoukakistheodoros.foukakis@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Drug and biomarker development in breast cancer with focus in multi-omics analyses and machine-learning using material from translational clinical trials
JanFriselljan.frisell@ki.seDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK)Clinical Breast cancer research
JonasFuxejonas.fuxe@ki.seDepartment of Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)We explore the interface between cancer and inflammation. In particular, we aim to elucidate how inflammatory signals contribute to cancer progression and metastasis by inducing epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity.
KristinaGemzell Danielssonkristina.gemzell@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)We are focusing on understanding the cause, identifying biomarkers for risk prediction and early diagnosis and the development of possible prophylactic treatment witha focus on gynecological cancer (including breast cancer, and women with brca mutations and endometriosis)
PerHallper.hall@ki.seDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB)We aim to identify women at increased risk of breast cancer and provide them with means to lower their risk and to offer individualised breast cancer screening.
JohanHartmanjohan.hartman@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Pathology; prediction of drug response in cancer patients. AI and molecular assays
KeithHumphreyskeith.humphreys@ki.seDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB)Developing statistical modelling approaches and applying them to large detailed cohorts, in order to understand aspects of tumour progression, heterogeneity and screening effectiveness.
AlicjaKuskowska-Wolkalicja.wolk@ki.seInstitute of Environmental Medicine (IMM)
UrbanLendahlurban.lendahl@ki.seDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB)We work on the role of dysregulated Notch signaling in cancer.
BarbroLinderholmbarbro.linderholm@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)
LindaLindströmLinda.Lindstrom@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Given the diversity of breast cancer and that the biological factors influencing the risk to die from the disease are not well understood, the Lindström research group’s main scientific interest is to identify the tumor and host characteristics needed to enable us to predict a patient’s long-term risk for fatal disease. We work interdisciplinary and currently focus our research into understanding the impact of intratumor heterogeneity, factors important for the long-term risk, endocrine therapy benefit, young versus older age at diagnosis, and benign breast diseases.
MattiasRantalainenmattias.rantalainen@ki.seDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB)Medical research that is driven by statistical machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and large population representative data sets. Currently our research is centered on projects in the computational pathology domain.
CharlotteRolnycharlotte.rolny@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)We are studying the underlying mechanisms that regulate macrophages immunosuppressive and prometastatic functions.
KerstinSandelinkerstin.sandelin@ki.seDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK)
StaffanStrömbladstaffan.stromblad@ki.seDepartment of Biosciences and Nutrition (BioNut)We study cell-matrix interactions and its down-stream mechanotransduction signaling and responses and how these affect key cellular processes of cancer cells. We use advanced light-microscopy and various in vitro and in vivo models and also analyze patient data and material.
NickTobinnick.tobin@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Former wet lab biologist working as a bioinformatician for the last 10 years. My research interest lies in using large scale ‘omics data sets to better understand the biology of cancer and it’s potential clinical applications. We focus on the cell cycle and gene signatures in particular.
RuneToftgårdrune.toftgard@ki.seDepartment of Biosciences and Nutrition (BioNut)
YvonneWengströmyvonne.wengstrom@ki.seDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS)Exercise oncology, symptom improvement, screening behaviour
MartinWiedschwndtermartin.widschwendter@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)
YvonneBrandbergyvonne.brandberg@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)Professor of Care Sciences, focusing on oncology, at the Department of Oncology-Pathology. Psychologist, specialist in clinical psychology focused on measures/treatment/counseling.
FredrikStrandfredrik.strand@ki.seDepartment of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat)I lead cross-disciplinary research concerning the development and evaluation of artificial intelligence based primarily on radiology images with the aim of early detection, diagnosis, therapy response prediction and prognosis. My primary focus is breast cancer.
TwanaAlkasaliastwana.alkasalias@ki.seDepartment of Women's and Children's Health (KBH)I lead projects on cancer prevention, studying hormone signalling and the impact of genetic mutations on ovarian and breast cancer. My cancer research focuses on understanding the tumor microenvironment and its role in cancer progression, particularly through the development of 3D co-culture models.
NingXu Landénning.xu@ki.seDepartment of Medicine, Solna (MedS)Our study aims to understand the pathological mechanisms underlying the late on-set adverse effects, in particular, the impaired wound repair after radiation therapy.
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