The University Library (KIB)
The University Library at Karolinska Institutet (KIB) is a university-wide function that serves under KI's university director, as can be seen in KI’s organisational plan.
We are working for a future where constant and open access to information promotes the development of sustainable, equal and ground-breaking knowledge.
Mission of the library
The Karolinska Institutet University Library is responsible for providing KI with the best possible foundation for conducting research and education. The University Library shall uphold the values expressed in the Library and Higher Education Act, particularly democracy, scientific rigor, and academic freedom.
This will be achieved by the University Library through the following actions:
- Providing broad and appropriate access to scientific literature and information resources
- Promoting open and sustainable publishing of the university's research and research data
- Managing infrastructure and analytical methods for scientific communication
- Enhancing students' and researchers' ability to search for, evaluate, and use information
- Collecting, preserving and making accessible the university's cultural heritage, including historical artifacts, images, art, and the Hagströmer Library collections
- Developing and disseminating knowledge about KI's medical and scientific history
- Serving as an open library for the university and the public
- Enabling meetings across disciplines and connect the past, present, and future of medicine
Library Director
Miriam Nauri
Chief LibrarianThe Library Advisory Board
The university library has an advisory board with members appointed by the president of KI. The board's task is to guide the direction of the library and to participate in the preparation of the library's internal budget allocation and budget requests.
The Library Advisory Board consists of the following members:
- Martin Bergö, Chair
- Miriam Nauri, Library Director
- Susanne Gabrielsson, Committee for Research
- Rune Brautaset, Committee for Undergraduate and Advanced Education
- Andreas Lundqvist, Committee for Postgraduate Education
- Maria Watter, Head of the Pedagogical Unit for Teaching and Learning (UoL)
- Ann-Sofie Axelsson, external representative, Library Director and Head of Department, Chalmers University of Technology
- Dominique Bellerud, Odontologiska Föreningen (OF)
- Maria Juszczyk, Medicinska Föreningen (MF)
The Advisory Board meets four times a year.
Our activities

KIB's activities
The University Library provides support throughout the academic life cycle, from freshman students to senior researchers. Here you can read more about the library’s different focus areas, and how we work with them from year to year.
Departments and units
The library has about 112 employees, divided into four departments and nine units, lead by heads of departments and units, respective.
Department: User Support and Teaching
The department enables core activities at KI by:
- offering and developing services and learning environments with a clear user focus
- assisting students, doctoral students and researchers with adaptive, student-centered teaching and consultation
- developing the library’s internal and external communication.
This department includes the units
- Information Literacy
- Communication
- Printed Collections and Library Support
Head of Department
Petra Wallgren Björk
Head of OfficeDepartment: Infrastructure for Research Information
The department of Infrastructure for Research Information promotes KI's core activities by:
- assisting in the scientific publishing process
- making scientific information available
- developing and offering accessible and adaptive services and systems
- collecting and analysing KI's intellectual output
The department includes the units
- Information Resources and Publication Support
- Metadata for Scientific Output
- System Development and Methodology.
Head of Department
Sofie Albinsson Cantwell
Head of OfficeDepartment: Operational Support
The department provides effective and professional organisational support to the library's core functions and its management team. The department also acts as part of KI's operational support and has an overarching mission towards KI.
The department provides support in the following areas:
- business planning and monitoring
- collaboration and working environment
- finance, HR and day-to-day administration
- technology support, student IT and digital examination support
- image production
- premises and office services
The department includes the units of
- Technical Support and Image Production
- HR and Finance
- Property Management
Head of Department
Marie Ols
Head of AdministrationDepartment: Medical History and Heritage
The department for Medical History and Heritage is responsible for collecting and preserving the cultural heritage of Karolinska Institutet, and to make this unique heritage available and accessible to scholars, the staff at KI and the public. The collections cared for by MHH consists of rare books and archives, journals, art and images, anatomical specimens and historical objects and artifacts.
MHH’s activities include the following areas:
- Development of new knowledge
- Education
- Exhibitions, tours and lectures
- Service to researchers
- Collection management including digitization and digitalization
- Support for management and external communication
- Repatriations of human remains
MHH consists of two units
- Research and Collections
- The Hagstromer Library
Head of Department
Eva Åhrén
Head of Office
The University Library website
On the University Library's website, you can find all the resources and tools that the library offers for research, work or study at KI. KIB is a public library, open to everyone.