Research Groups/Thematic

Neuroscience scientists at Karolinska Institutet work within these areas:

Cellular / Molecular  | Cellular/Molecular neuroscientists study how neurons control their excitable behaviour, how they receive and process incoming information, and how they communicate with other neurons via synapses.

Cognition / Behaviour / Psychology  | Scientists in this area study complex mechanisms underlying cognition and behaviour.

Development / Stem Cells / Repair  | Developmental neuroscientists study how neurons are generated from progenitor cells, how they divide, survive, and adopt specific identities, and migrate to sites where they are incorporated into neuronal circuits.

Motor function  | Motor behaviour is the overt expression of the brain's activity. Motor circuits are precisely assembled and function in a delicate manner to produce the sequential activity of muscles underlying a defined behaviour.

Neurodegenerative disorders  | Neurodegeneration is the overarching term for conditions with progressive loss of function and eventually death of neurons participating in motor, sensory or cognitive functions.

Neurodevelopmental disorders  | Neurodevelopmental disorders refer to conditions of impaired cognitive and motor functions stemming from an atypical development of the brain.

Neurogenetics / Epidemiology  | By studying the genetic architecture of diseases affecting the brain and spinal cord it is possible to reveal biological pathways involved in disease etiology.

Neuroinflammatory disorders  | Neuroinflammatory disorders are conditions where immune responses damage components of the nervous system.

Neurotrauma / Neurosurgery / Neurovascular  | Surgical interventions for conditions such as neurotrauma, brain tumours and vascular disorders are constantly being refined by scientists in this field.

Psychiatry / Neuropharmacology  | Research in psychiatry concerns conditions such as addiction, depression, psychosis, schizophrenia, anxiety, personality disorders and suicidal behaviour.

Sensory functions  | Information about the outside world reaches the brain as for example visual, auditory, olfactory, and mechanoreceptive stimuli.

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