Unit of Intervention and Implementation Research for Worker Health

We are a multidisciplinary team that do research on methods for identifying risks for ill-health and promoting health at the workplace and in private life. There are huge advantages of investing in the work environment and in health-related interventions both for the individual, employer and society. A prerequisite for these advantages to occur is however that research results are implemented and used in practice.

Group picture: Unit of Intervention and Implementation Research for Worker Health Photo: Stefan Zimmerman

We do research on healthy and productive work environments

We aim to promote evidence-based practice in health promoting interventions at the workplace by:

  • Developing and evaluating methods to promote health, workability and productivity

  • Evaluate the method’s cost-effectiveness

  • Develop support for effective implementation

  • Develop methods for occupational health economic analysis

  • Evaluate interventions from an occupational health economic perspective

Our research area includes organisational and social work environment, work-health work environment, work-health economics, and two main disease areas (musculoskeletal conditions and mental ill health) which are the two most prevalent causes of sickness absence and reduced workability.

The unit works actively to develop knowledge within occupational health and methods to promote occupational health. Research is conducted within collaboration with external partners, such as the occupational health services and employer representative partners from both the public and private sectors.  In collaboration with other universities we have developed Kompetenscentret för företagshälsa.

Finally, we are involved in teaching on master-and doctoral-level, for example within the master-program Work and health and the doctoral course Intervention- and implementation research.



We do research on musculoskeletal conditions and sports medicine

One of the research areas of the unit concerns pain conditions and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, including the back, neck and sports medicine, and the association with psychology and mental health.

Several ongoing studies aim to:

  • Understand the mechanisms of pain conditions relating to overload and trauma

  • Explore the prevalence, incidence and course of musculoskeletal pain

  • Develop and evaluate preventive and rehabilitative interventions for musculoskeletal pain and injuries, including health economy

  • Understand the mechanisms of effective interventions

  • Identify risk-factors for musculoskeletal pain and injuries.

Our research is conducted with networks of practicing clinicians, occupational health services, employers and sports associations.

Read more about the research group MATRix (MAnual Therapy Research).

Read more about the research group MUSIC (Musculoskeletal & Sports Injury Epidemiology Center).



We do research on common mental disorders

Common mental disorders (CMDs) i.e. mild to moderate depression, anxiety, adjustment and stress-related disorders are common and increases mainly among young adults. Diagnoses related to such ill-health is the predominant cause of sick leave in Sweden today. The focus on our research is to find ways to promote health and prevent stress and CMDs.

Several studies are ongoing with focus on:

  • Understanding and identifying risk factors for CMD

  • Developing and evaluating methods for reducing sick leave due to CMD and increasing return to work

  • Developing and evaluating methods for the prevention of stress at the workplace, and rehabilitative measures for employees suffering from CMD, in which the employee’s workability is a central part

  • Investigating the possible influence of sex and gender

  • Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of different methods

  • Developing and evaluating methods for efficient transfer of knowledge, from research into practice

  • Understanding the mechanisms behind bullying and harassment



We do research on implementation

One of the unit’s research areas is implementation research which is aimed at promoting the implementation of evidence-based methods within different setting, for example schools and companies.

Studies are conducted with a focus on:

  • the development and evaluation of guidelines within occupational health

  • the development and evaluation of implementation strategies

  • evaluating implementation processes


Head of Unit

Profile image

Lydia Kwak

Senior Lecturer

Unit Members

Occupational health

The main focus of this research is the development and evaluation of cost-effective evidence-based practice in OHS to promote work ability, health and productivity. Read more about the research programme Occupational Health Service.

Content reviewer:
Anna Frantz