Rebecca Popenoe

Rebecca Popenoe

Telefon: +46852483924
Besöksadress: Alfred Nobels Allé 23, D2, Flemingsberg, 14183 Huddinge
Postadress: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Omvårdnad Omv enhet 2, 171 77 Stockholm

Om mig

  • I teach and do research in medical anthropology, transcultural care, public
    health and research methods.
    I am an anthropologist and teach and do research in the fields of medical
    anthropology, transcultural care, public health and research methods at the
    Division of Nursing and at the Department of Global Public Health at
    Karolinska Institutet. I have written a book, Feeding Desire: Fatness,
    Beauty and Sexuality among a Saharan People (Routledge, 2004) based on
    fieldwork in Niger, and co-authored numerous articles on culture and health,
    and, most recently, a pedagogical article. A selection of publications:
    Popenoe, R., Langius-Eklöf, A., Stenwall, E., Jervaeus, A. (In press). A
    Practical Guide to Data Analysis, /Nordic Journal of Nursing Research./
    Ngarina, M., Popenoe, R., Kilewo, C., Biberfeld, G., &
  • Ekstrom, A. (2013).
    Reasons for poor adherence to antiretroviral therapy postnatally in HIV-1
    infected women treated for their own health: Experiences from the Mitra Plus
    study in Tanzania. /BMC Public Health, / /13/, 450.
    Bengtsson, L., Thorson, A., Thanh, V., Allebeck, P., &
  • Popenoe, R. (2013).
    Sexual relationships among men who have sex with men in Hanoi, Vietnam: A
    qualitative interview study. /BMC Public Health, / /13/, 108.
    Sychareun, V., Hansana, V., Somphet, V., Xayavong, S., Phengsavanh, A., &

  • Popenoe, R. (2012). Reasons rural Laotians choose home deliveries over
    delivery at health facilities: A qualitative study. /BMC Pregnancy and
    Childbirth, / /12/, 86.
    Sychareun, V., Faxelid, E., Thomsen, S., Somphet, V., &
  • Popenoe, R. (2011).
    Customary adolescent sexual practices among the Akha of northern Lao PDR:
    Considerations for public health. /Culture, Health &
  • Sexuality, / /13 Suppl
    2/, S249-S262.
    University of Chicago Ph.D. 1997
    Bryn Mawr College B.A, Magna cum laude, 1985


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